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Plastic surgery in Thailand (Bangkok / Hatyai)

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Post by rosegarden » Sat, 24 May 2008 8:47 pm

TQ22 wrote:
rosegarden wrote:Hi Suuz, i'm back fr my lipo at Dr Nara last Sat. It's a wasted trip because i only manage to did lipo for my thighs. Haiz, actually Dr Nara agreed to do 3 areas for me, upper arms, tummy and upper outer thighs. He decided to do my thighs first. The swelling was so bad that i couldn't walk to the clinic to do my other areas the next day. So for the remaining days i could only stay in my hotel room as i have difficulty walking. So a reminder for those who wanna do lipo on more than one area, pls insist on doing yr arms and stomach first, leave yr thighs to the last day, if not u'll find it a wasted trip juz like me.
Hi i'm new here n i just back fr Dr Nara last night. I have done my lipo on my hip n tummy area. now still swelling but i think it worth the trip cos i can see my result instantly. I back to work today n my friends said that my tummy look flat now. I change my thai $$ beside Lee Garden Plaza hotel, the rate there is 23.40 if u change more can ask for higher rate too.
Hi TQ22, u went by coach or u took plane to Hatyai? How's the swelling like for yr hip and tummy area? Is the pain very bad the following day after the lipo? My swelling and bruising for my thigh area is 90% gone by now. Heard fr my friend that the most painful for lipo is the thighs and the least painful is the arms. I'll be going back on the 26th next mth to do my arms and tummy area so i really need to know how's the pain like for the tummy area.

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Post by friendly rynn » Sat, 24 May 2008 9:04 pm they do face lasering? coz i have sum little holes on my face due pimple during my young age..i would love to have smooth face skin...hw much do they charge?
Peace out..:)

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Post by nosecraze » Sun, 25 May 2008 1:01 am

hey guys, may i know who is looking to go to dr nara for operation?
Im looking for people to go with.
Gonna do rhino and alar, still tinking abt the epi or double eyelid.
Any recommendations from anyone for eye surgery(epi/double eyelid)?

thanks all!

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Post by aadvark » Sun, 25 May 2008 2:57 am

nosecraze wrote:hey guys, may i know who is looking to go to dr nara for operation?
Im looking for people to go with.
Gonna do rhino and alar, still tinking abt the epi or double eyelid.
Any recommendations from anyone for eye surgery(epi/double eyelid)?

thanks all!
nara doesn't do epi, only dbl eyelid... if you have patience, it will be worth the surgery, cos it takes a while to stabilise and look natural
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Post by plastic440033 » Sun, 25 May 2008 12:18 pm

hi there,

finally i had my thighs vaser in singapore. the recover for me was 2 weeks cos doc took out quite a bit. for full recovery will be 1 month. have you gone for your nose job?

aadvark wrote:
nosecraze wrote:hey guys, may i know who is looking to go to dr nara for operation?
Im looking for people to go with.
Gonna do rhino and alar, still tinking abt the epi or double eyelid.
Any recommendations from anyone for eye surgery(epi/double eyelid)?

thanks all!
nara doesn't do epi, only dbl eyelid... if you have patience, it will be worth the surgery, cos it takes a while to stabilise and look natural

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Post by plastic440033 » Sun, 25 May 2008 12:23 pm

Hi TQ,

How much did Dr nara charge you for yummy and thighs? was it painfull next few days? how's the swelling?

TQ22 wrote:
rosegarden wrote:Hi Suuz, i'm back fr my lipo at Dr Nara last Sat. It's a wasted trip because i only manage to did lipo for my thighs. Haiz, actually Dr Nara agreed to do 3 areas for me, upper arms, tummy and upper outer thighs. He decided to do my thighs first. The swelling was so bad that i couldn't walk to the clinic to do my other areas the next day. So for the remaining days i could only stay in my hotel room as i have difficulty walking. So a reminder for those who wanna do lipo on more than one area, pls insist on doing yr arms and stomach first, leave yr thighs to the last day, if not u'll find it a wasted trip juz like me.
Hi i'm new here n i just back fr Dr Nara last night. I have done my lipo on my hip n tummy area. now still swelling but i think it worth the trip cos i can see my result instantly. I back to work today n my friends said that my tummy look flat now. I change my thai $$ beside Lee Garden Plaza hotel, the rate there is 23.40 if u change more can ask for higher rate too.

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Post by plastic440033 » Sun, 25 May 2008 12:30 pm

hi TQ,

i understand dr nara fees do not include post op care. do you have to go in next few days to change dressing? did he charge you? please share your experience. I just did my thigh vaser in singapore. very expensive.i took 1 week leave for this op, went back following monday and and have to take mc for the rest of the 4 days cos cant walk properly. the 1-2 weeks was hell for me, bruise, painful not forgetting cant walk. after 2nd weeks was much better and the bruise gone. its one month now, bruise all gone but still pain, inner thighs still hard so im going for ultra sound 1-2 time every week. in total for my thigh vaser in singapore, i spent $4.5K including cos incurred for post op i.e. additional ultra sound, taxi fare to clinic etc.

im thinking of see dr nara for my arms or tummy.

TQ22 wrote:
rosegarden wrote:Hi Suuz, i'm back fr my lipo at Dr Nara last Sat. It's a wasted trip because i only manage to did lipo for my thighs. Haiz, actually Dr Nara agreed to do 3 areas for me, upper arms, tummy and upper outer thighs. He decided to do my thighs first. The swelling was so bad that i couldn't walk to the clinic to do my other areas the next day. So for the remaining days i could only stay in my hotel room as i have difficulty walking. So a reminder for those who wanna do lipo on more than one area, pls insist on doing yr arms and stomach first, leave yr thighs to the last day, if not u'll find it a wasted trip juz like me.
Hi i'm new here n i just back fr Dr Nara last night. I have done my lipo on my hip n tummy area. now still swelling but i think it worth the trip cos i can see my result instantly. I back to work today n my friends said that my tummy look flat now. I change my thai $$ beside Lee Garden Plaza hotel, the rate there is 23.40 if u change more can ask for higher rate too.

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Post by nosecraze » Sun, 25 May 2008 12:55 pm

plastic440033 wrote:hi there,

finally i had my thighs vaser in singapore. the recover for me was 2 weeks cos doc took out quite a bit. for full recovery will be 1 month. have you gone for your nose job?

aadvark wrote:
nosecraze wrote:hey guys, may i know who is looking to go to dr nara for operation?
Im looking for people to go with.
Gonna do rhino and alar, still tinking abt the epi or double eyelid.
Any recommendations from anyone for eye surgery(epi/double eyelid)?

thanks all!
nara doesn't do epi, only dbl eyelid... if you have patience, it will be worth the surgery, cos it takes a while to stabilise and look natural
nope, I couldnt find somone to go along!

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Post by hello84 » Sun, 25 May 2008 1:25 pm

hey when you going???

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Post by aadvark » Sun, 25 May 2008 4:40 pm

posting this for a fren of mine, she is going to tokai end june and looking for kakis, guys and girls welcomed, please let me know if anyone going then i can pass her your contact :)
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Post by shal0m » Sun, 25 May 2008 5:43 pm

hi friends...

just wanna share my post op pic, after tipplasty, and revision of alar scar at tokai...
ok, i said that i was quite happy initially, cos by the end of first week, my nose tip was back to the size of my old nose, so i thought it will become smaller in time...but now it't been one month, it is still the same. in fact, i think my nose like less symmetrical than before, quite weird...than abt the alar...thought the incision lines will improve from after 1 week...but again they r still there, quite changes...sigh...waste $$$ again... :cry: in fact, i think now one of my nostrils is higher than the other, quite obvious...tip looks bigger, hor?

i am not wishing for a A grade nose, but at least a B grade....sigh...

nose at kalo (Aug 07)- 4 mths post op

nose at nara (dec 07)-1 mth post op

nose at tokai (apr 08) - 1 mth post op

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Post by qwertyuiop » Sun, 25 May 2008 7:21 pm

anyone going to hatyai at the end of june? maybe we can go together?

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Post by aadvark » Sun, 25 May 2008 7:53 pm

shal0m wrote:hi friends...

just wanna share my post op pic, after tipplasty, and revision of alar scar at tokai...
ok, i said that i was quite happy initially, cos by the end of first week, my nose tip was back to the size of my old nose, so i thought it will become smaller in time...but now it't been one month, it is still the same. in fact, i think my nose like less symmetrical than before, quite weird...than abt the alar...thought the incision lines will improve from after 1 week...but again they r still there, quite changes...sigh...waste $$$ again... :cry: in fact, i think now one of my nostrils is higher than the other, quite obvious...tip looks bigger, hor?

i am not wishing for a A grade nose, but at least a B grade....sigh...

nose at kalo (Aug 07)- 4 mths post op

nose at nara (dec 07)-1 mth post op

nose at tokai (apr 08) - 1 mth post op
you redid alar as well?
hmmm, from the pics, it doesn;t seem very different
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Post by myredshirt » Sun, 25 May 2008 10:05 pm

HEY <3 im back and this time,
with dimples ~~~~~ YAY

alright, so the whole thing went pretty smoothly.
but both cheeks are swelling and hurting(bearable).

Qns 1: how long will my cheeks be in this state? (swelling)
Qns 2: how long did it take for yours to look natural?
(like, appearing only when smiling)


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Post by Beautyqueen » Mon, 26 May 2008 12:44 am

Hi myredshirt,

You did your dimples at Dr Nara?

Was it painful? You did one side or both sides?

I always wanted a dimple but thinking if it's worth to do it.

Can anyone advise if its worth to do lipo & nosejob at Dr Nara ?

Is it good?
I want to Beautiful too!

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