hi friends...
just wanna share my post op pic, after tipplasty, and revision of alar scar at tokai...
ok, i said that i was quite happy initially, cos by the end of first week, my nose tip was back to the size of my old nose, so i thought it will become smaller in time...but now it't been one month, it is still the same. in fact, i think my nose like less symmetrical than before, quite weird...than abt the alar...thought the incision lines will improve from after 1 week...but again they r still there, quite visible...no changes...sigh...waste $$$ again...

in fact, i think now one of my nostrils is higher than the other, quite obvious...tip looks bigger, hor?
i am not wishing for a A grade nose, but at least a B grade....sigh...
nose at kalo (Aug 07)- 4 mths post op
nose at nara (dec 07)-1 mth post op
nose at tokai (apr 08) - 1 mth post op
