leav wrote:yeah it was majority of the aloe vera gel plus some creamy stuff dr pat gave me to apply. haha
Which GP did u go to? haha yeah its ldamn itchy and i really cant wait for them to all drop out but its like taking so long oh man anwyays THANKS FOR ALL UR ADVICE AND CONCERN!
What a scare..........so it's just blobs of aloe vera gel?!?!?! Guess we can't really come to conclusions with just looking at photos! It good that you explained.
Scabs are crusty bits of dried harden skin, mostly dark reddish/brown. This scab is protecting your skin underneath like a cap covering your new healing skin. It will fall off when your skin is completely healed. If you pluck it before it's healed, it will rip your skin and open another wound, another scab will form to protect the open skin. Then the healing time is prolonged again.
It's either a drying/dried scab with itch (a good thing here) or weeping soft scab/skin infection, so leave the scab alone and don't complicate matters. Wet scabs will take longer, it has to dry off to heal faster and fall off.
On the other hand, if the scab is hard and just hanging on by a thread, there is a chance, while sleeping or being careless and it gets rip off. I usually put a plaster on when I sleep, incase I start scratching in my sleep.
There is a cream 'SOOV cream' you may like to try. It is an antispetic cream with pain/itch relief (good for home first aid kit). You can find it at pharmacy for $10+ -----PLEASE NOTE- this is not a replacement for ps dr's meds/creams. Just a suggestion since you mentioned itch is unbearable, so just to help you through the itching scab period if you've run out of dr's med creams. This is just a first aid kit item.
When in doubt, or if you run a fever, please consult Dr.