Yes agree with sampan, he/she has good knowledge on PS. Yupz 1 month too early for decision. Jaw jobs may need 3-6 months as muscles are involved during the surgery and we have to move the jaw muscles often, hence slowing the healing. patient bro, patience, i am sure it will turn out good. just let the scars beneath the skin to settle down 1st.sampam wrote:aardvark
if the swelling etc is bothering you so much why dont you get some kenalog injections spread over the area in there? that would reduce the swelling pronto but make sure its spread out evenly and well throughout.
1month is too short a time frame for a revision because you would still be swollen. wait another few months upto 6 or so and if not happy still then go get it revised.
make sure he does it right. Nose jobs are veryy veryy hard and the more revisions the harder it becomes because of degradation of virgin tissue and increasingly more scar tissue. If your nose was done bad I would highly suggest atleast a consult with a specialist in rhinoplasty and not just a standard PS. Yoskarn clinics Somyos Yoskarn is head of ENT at ramthobodi( i think) hospital and a professor and specialises in noses etc.
Trust me on this one. My partner went to Sorawuth who did the standard job and didnt look good, he revised it again and still no good- actually looked aweful with still deviated septum difficulty breathing large nostrils curved nose . Other famous PS afterwards just said leave it alone bla bla bla cant be done etc. Somyos confidently said can be done and understood what he wanted. He did predict it will be a hard surgery and complicated and hence why nobody else could do it to start with since its very delicate work. He did what all others had said cant be done etc. And yeah it was extremely complicated and precise work because normally a standard rhino + chin implant would take only around 1hour to 1.5hours. His case took almost 5hours(i think). Awesome work and everything works perfectly. However dont expect any discounts or anything from him. The man is excellent and he knows it and wont discount anything and charges the same price. But definately worth the money if you want a revision or excellent work etc. If its a simple implant augmentation then many many other doctors are cheaper than him.
Sampan, yupz i kana the same problem as your fren, deviated septum, complex procedures needed and dr chuang quoted me 8k to correct it and a nose job plus tiplasty. also he did mentioned it will take approx 4 hours for the job and me to expect at least 2-4 weeks of healing period.