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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 7:40 pm

sampam wrote:aardvark

if the swelling etc is bothering you so much why dont you get some kenalog injections spread over the area in there? that would reduce the swelling pronto but make sure its spread out evenly and well throughout.

1month is too short a time frame for a revision because you would still be swollen. wait another few months upto 6 or so and if not happy still then go get it revised.


make sure he does it right. Nose jobs are veryy veryy hard and the more revisions the harder it becomes because of degradation of virgin tissue and increasingly more scar tissue. If your nose was done bad I would highly suggest atleast a consult with a specialist in rhinoplasty and not just a standard PS. Yoskarn clinics Somyos Yoskarn is head of ENT at ramthobodi( i think) hospital and a professor and specialises in noses etc.

Trust me on this one. My partner went to Sorawuth who did the standard job and didnt look good, he revised it again and still no good- actually looked aweful with still deviated septum difficulty breathing large nostrils curved nose . Other famous PS afterwards just said leave it alone bla bla bla cant be done etc. Somyos confidently said can be done and understood what he wanted. He did predict it will be a hard surgery and complicated and hence why nobody else could do it to start with since its very delicate work. He did what all others had said cant be done etc. And yeah it was extremely complicated and precise work because normally a standard rhino + chin implant would take only around 1hour to 1.5hours. His case took almost 5hours(i think). Awesome work and everything works perfectly. However dont expect any discounts or anything from him. The man is excellent and he knows it and wont discount anything and charges the same price. But definately worth the money if you want a revision or excellent work etc. If its a simple implant augmentation then many many other doctors are cheaper than him.
Yes agree with sampan, he/she has good knowledge on PS. Yupz 1 month too early for decision. Jaw jobs may need 3-6 months as muscles are involved during the surgery and we have to move the jaw muscles often, hence slowing the healing. patient bro, patience, i am sure it will turn out good. just let the scars beneath the skin to settle down 1st.

Sampan, yupz i kana the same problem as your fren, deviated septum, complex procedures needed and dr chuang quoted me 8k to correct it and a nose job plus tiplasty. also he did mentioned it will take approx 4 hours for the job and me to expect at least 2-4 weeks of healing period.
Last edited by tanjhj on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by sampam » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 8:08 pm

tanjhj 8000 is quite expensive

Somyos would charge you basically 3000USD or so for the nose job and if you want alarplasty(alarreduction) -bargain a little and you could get everthing ALL DONE 3500usd. almost half the price for you :)

What exactly is wrong with your nose anyways? what needs to be done? do you have thick nasal or tip skin? excess fat? have you had rhinoplasty before?

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Post by prettyface07 » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 8:37 pm

tanjhj wrote:
sampam wrote:aardvark

if the swelling etc is bothering you so much why dont you get some kenalog injections spread over the area in there? that would reduce the swelling pronto but make sure its spread out evenly and well throughout.

1month is too short a time frame for a revision because you would still be swollen. wait another few months upto 6 or so and if not happy still then go get it revised.


make sure he does it right. Nose jobs are veryy veryy hard and the more revisions the harder it becomes because of degradation of virgin tissue and increasingly more scar tissue. If your nose was done bad I would highly suggest atleast a consult with a specialist in rhinoplasty and not just a standard PS. Yoskarn clinics Somyos Yoskarn is head of ENT at ramthobodi( i think) hospital and a professor and specialises in noses etc.

Trust me on this one. My partner went to Sorawuth who did the standard job and didnt look good, he revised it again and still no good- actually looked aweful with still deviated septum difficulty breathing large nostrils curved nose . Other famous PS afterwards just said leave it alone bla bla bla cant be done etc. Somyos confidently said can be done and understood what he wanted. He did predict it will be a hard surgery and complicated and hence why nobody else could do it to start with since its very delicate work. He did what all others had said cant be done etc. And yeah it was extremely complicated and precise work because normally a standard rhino + chin implant would take only around 1hour to 1.5hours. His case took almost 5hours(i think). Awesome work and everything works perfectly. However dont expect any discounts or anything from him. The man is excellent and he knows it and wont discount anything and charges the same price. But definately worth the money if you want a revision or excellent work etc. If its a simple implant augmentation then many many other doctors are cheaper than him.
Yes agree with sampan, he/she has good knowledge on PS. Yupz 1 month too early for decision. Jaw jobs may need 3-6 months as muscles are involved during the surgery and we have to move the jaw muscles often, hence slowing the healing. patient bro, patience, i am sure it will turn out good. just let the scars benefit the skin to settle down 1st.

Sampan, yupz i kana the same problem as your fren, deviated septum, complex procedures needed and dr chuang quoted me 8k to correct it and a nose job plus tiplasty. also he did mentioned it will take approx 4 hours for the job and me to expect at least 2-4 weeks of healing period.
Oh no act expert again :oops: :oops:
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Post by qwertyuiop » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 8:49 pm

just wanted to thank you guys for the replies. you've been very helpful!

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:21 pm

sampam wrote:tanjhj 8000 is quite expensive

Somyos would charge you basically 3000USD or so for the nose job and if you want alarplasty(alarreduction) -bargain a little and you could get everthing ALL DONE 3500usd. almost half the price for you :)

What exactly is wrong with your nose anyways? what needs to be done? do you have thick nasal or tip skin? excess fat? have you had rhinoplasty before?
well that is taiwan rates, wont blame dr chuang. local doc quoted me in excess of 10k and they are ENT specialist not PS surgeon.

Nothing wrong with my nose no thick or bulbous tip. just that my bridge not high enough and my spectum dorsum (if i not wrong) is deviated to the right. not obvious unless in photos. thank dr chuang for spotting it as all othe rdoctors didnt. if i have just go for simple implant, it will shift to the right and become very obvious.

If can go for simple procedures i would have been happy, as the procedures need to go to hospital under GA and would need to use hammer to chip the nose bone and reconstruct from within, sound scary.. lol
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:31 pm

prettyface07 wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
sampam wrote:aardvark

if the swelling etc is bothering you so much why dont you get some kenalog injections spread over the area in there? that would reduce the swelling pronto but make sure its spread out evenly and well throughout.

1month is too short a time frame for a revision because you would still be swollen. wait another few months upto 6 or so and if not happy still then go get it revised.


make sure he does it right. Nose jobs are veryy veryy hard and the more revisions the harder it becomes because of degradation of virgin tissue and increasingly more scar tissue. If your nose was done bad I would highly suggest atleast a consult with a specialist in rhinoplasty and not just a standard PS. Yoskarn clinics Somyos Yoskarn is head of ENT at ramthobodi( i think) hospital and a professor and specialises in noses etc.

Trust me on this one. My partner went to Sorawuth who did the standard job and didnt look good, he revised it again and still no good- actually looked aweful with still deviated septum difficulty breathing large nostrils curved nose . Other famous PS afterwards just said leave it alone bla bla bla cant be done etc. Somyos confidently said can be done and understood what he wanted. He did predict it will be a hard surgery and complicated and hence why nobody else could do it to start with since its very delicate work. He did what all others had said cant be done etc. And yeah it was extremely complicated and precise work because normally a standard rhino + chin implant would take only around 1hour to 1.5hours. His case took almost 5hours(i think). Awesome work and everything works perfectly. However dont expect any discounts or anything from him. The man is excellent and he knows it and wont discount anything and charges the same price. But definately worth the money if you want a revision or excellent work etc. If its a simple implant augmentation then many many other doctors are cheaper than him.
Yes agree with sampan, he/she has good knowledge on PS. Yupz 1 month too early for decision. Jaw jobs may need 3-6 months as muscles are involved during the surgery and we have to move the jaw muscles often, hence slowing the healing. patient bro, patience, i am sure it will turn out good. just let the scars benefit the skin to settle down 1st.

Sampan, yupz i kana the same problem as your fren, deviated septum, complex procedures needed and dr chuang quoted me 8k to correct it and a nose job plus tiplasty. also he did mentioned it will take approx 4 hours for the job and me to expect at least 2-4 weeks of healing period.
Oh no act expert again :oops: :oops:
Hello, no need expert to know the abv info. if u dun like you can always ignore my msg. nobody ask or force you to read them and they are not for you anyway...

all this are just abv normal level of info for PS. I wont blame you as your level of knowledge for PS is normal level or maybe below, i am not sure..

all i know is from medical website i read and info exchanged with doctors. you can always upgrade yourself by reading them, i posted them in this forums before...
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by aadvark » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:37 pm

mbk wrote:
aadvark wrote:hmmm, it's been 1 mth, still think my jaws look huge. i have always liked my face shape from the front, just that jawline was not defined from the side, but now my face width has increase to twice its original size. haiz... :(

shall start sourcing for a revision in case it doesn't go down to a reasonable size. With the bigger width, i look older and fatter, definitely not positive on both accounts. granted, the side view and 45 degree view looks nice and defined, but i have got to face people somehow
Please wait for six months at least before you decide on surgery again for the jaws. It can take forever for the swelling to dissipate. Does it swell more when you exercise or run? Jaw implants can take well over a year to settle down. Is the numbness improving?
yes yes! after exercise, when i wake in the morn, when i not enuff sleep, will swell more. So some days are ok, some days are bad, fluctuates...

haha, even if wanna revise, i only can take leave in dec, so guess by then make the decision shld be ok le, cos already 9 mths

thankfully, i can feel my lip already, altho still half numb, but at least if i start drooling now, i can still feel it :P
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by prettyface07 » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:51 pm

tanjhj wrote:
Hello, no need expert to know the abv info. if u dun like you can always ignore my msg. nobody ask or force you to read them and they are not for you anyway...

all this are just abv normal level of info for PS. I wont blame you as your level of knowledge for PS is normal level or maybe below, i am not sure..

all i know is from medical website i read and info exchanged with doctors. you can always upgrade yourself by reading them, i posted them in this forums before...
You never do any Ps before so you also dot know how it feels after ps & the recovery, stop trying to act smart.
Only know how to said I agree with blah blah blah

Why you always ask for ppl photos?
Since you like to see forumers photos why not post urs first?inexchange lol
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Post by aadvark » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 9:52 pm

sampam wrote:aardvark

if the swelling etc is bothering you so much why dont you get some kenalog injections spread over the area in there? that would reduce the swelling pronto but make sure its spread out evenly and well throughout.

1month is too short a time frame for a revision because you would still be swollen. wait another few months upto 6 or so and if not happy still then go get it revised.
wah, sounds good, where can i get it? what happens if it's not spread evenly, some places will remain more swollen than other?
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:24 pm

prettyface07 wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
Hello, no need expert to know the abv info. if u dun like you can always ignore my msg. nobody ask or force you to read them and they are not for you anyway...

all this are just abv normal level of info for PS. I wont blame you as your level of knowledge for PS is normal level or maybe below, i am not sure..

all i know is from medical website i read and info exchanged with doctors. you can always upgrade yourself by reading them, i posted them in this forums before...
You never do any Ps before so you also dot know how it feels after ps & the recovery, stop trying to act smart.
Only know how to said I agree with blah blah blah

Why you always ask for ppl photos?
Since you like to see forumers photos why not post urs first?inexchange lol
well childish is me for trying to be nice to you, so be it. anyway, i did PS ,thou just a simple stiching eyelid unlike you. so stop been childish.

i ask aavark for his pic coz his is a nice job, as for yours, i am very sure i wont be even a single bit interested in your having picture, period..
i have areadi mentioned my double eyelid procedure and botox injection in this forum earlier.

i met and share my PS pic with those i like, trust and have reputation. definately not with ppl like you.

I will ignore HIS thread from now on. oh yes, last thing, pls being cheapskate and keep calling me and ask you to call back your free incoming handphone.

also stop challenging me to meet you, i have no intereset in meeting beng like you nor keen to see your desperately-needed-PS face.

Also brush up your english, you cant even speak singlish for my goodness sake. i thought mine was bad.. till i tok to you. :???:
Last edited by tanjhj on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by prettyface07 » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:32 pm

tanjhj wrote:
prettyface07 wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
Hello, no need expert to know the abv info. if u dun like you can always ignore my msg. nobody ask or force you to read them and they are not for you anyway...

all this are just abv normal level of info for PS. I wont blame you as your level of knowledge for PS is normal level or maybe below, i am not sure..

all i know is from medical website i read and info exchanged with doctors. you can always upgrade yourself by reading them, i posted them in this forums before...
You never do any Ps before so you also dot know how it feels after ps & the recovery, stop trying to act smart.
Only know how to said I agree with blah blah blah

Why you always ask for ppl photos?
Since you like to see forumers photos why not post urs first?inexchange lol
well childish is me for trying to be nice to you, so be it. anyway, i did PS ,thou just a simple stiching eyelid unlike you. so stop been childish.

i ask aavark for his pic coz his is a nice job, as for yours, i am very sure i wont be even a single bit interested in your having picture, period..

will ignore HIS thread from now on.

you sure you did double eyelid? Which doctor did for you?

Post your before & after pic to share with us, Im sure all forumers will love to see :P
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Post by MeLoRasP » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:10 pm

anyone also interested in doing dimples on cheeks? :D
_+InSpiRe DrEaM+_

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:15 pm

MeLoRasP wrote:anyone also interested in doing dimples on cheeks? :D
me, thinking to do it with buccal fat removal surgery. now that aavark recommended cheap buccal fat removal from tokai and is within my budget.

where you going and which doc u going to?

Aavark, you know the estimated cost for buccal fat and dimple procedures with tokai or dr nara?

Last edited by tanjhj on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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Post by MeLoRasP » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:21 pm

tanjhj wrote:
MeLoRasP wrote:anyone also interested in doing dimples on cheeks? :D
me, thinking to do it with buccal fat removal surgery. not that aavark recommended cheap buccal fat removal from tokai and is within my budget.

when you going and which doc u goin

erm... i stil needed to noe more about hw's the surgery proccess.. i can go anytime once i decided to do.. :)
_+InSpiRe DrEaM+_

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Post by tanjhj » Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:32 pm

MeLoRasP wrote:
tanjhj wrote:
MeLoRasP wrote:anyone also interested in doing dimples on cheeks? :D
me, thinking to do it with buccal fat removal surgery. not that aavark recommended cheap buccal fat removal from tokai and is within my budget.

when you going and which doc u goin

erm... i stil needed to noe more about hw's the surgery proccess.. i can go anytime once i decided to do.. :)
there u go, hope it helps. just note that dr lam mentioned that you may need to do 1 side at a time like lasik.. ... e_journey/

Dimple at chin ... rgery.html[/u]

Tokai Pricelist ... _price.htm
Golden Rules of PS:
1)If it aint broken, dun fix it / dun fix what u dun need
2)Perfect individual features usually dun yield perfect face
3)Work on your confidence 1st

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