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Post by summerboy02 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 5:06 am

he does botox, but for wrinkles, not for jaw
Dr Nara does very traditional stuff, and not a very wide repertoire, so only the main areas[/quote]

Oh...I am thinking if his clinic does laser skin resurfacing or laser peel for acne scars as I have some red marks and some pits on my right cheeks.I just did my Messo Botox in Spore so I'm thinking of touching up my botox and at the same time do my nose with him...

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Post by aadvark » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 5:14 am

summerboy02 wrote:
aadvark wrote:he does botox, but for wrinkles, not for jaw

Dr Nara does very traditional stuff, and not a very wide repertoire, so only the main areas
Oh...I am thinking if his clinic does laser skin resurfacing or laser peel for acne scars as I have some red marks and some pits on my right cheeks.I just did my Messo Botox in Spore so I'm thinking of touching up my botox and at the same time do my nose with him...
he doesn;t do skin stuff, but there's an aesthetics clinic on one of the floors beneath Lee Gardens Plaza hotel, think 5th floor, next to a kids' dental clinic. Can try that place :)
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Post by summerboy02 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 5:23 am

he doesn;t do skin stuff, but there's an aesthetics clinic on one of the floors beneath Lee Gardens Plaza hotel, think 5th floor, next to a kids' dental clinic. Can try that place :)[/quote]

hey dude,u replied real fast and dont you have to sleep?haha
I hope to do my Rhino with Dr Nara and at the same time do Lasering for my face.Too Bad he dont do...BKK has more of these services though...BTW,have you done your buccal fat pad removal?I wana remove my baby fats on my face to achieve a chisel look...But that will be after my botox wear off...thanks for your reply

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Post by topboy » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 6:57 am

aadvark wrote:
topboy wrote:hey could anyone help me know whether dr.Nara can perform rhinoplasty without any insertion of the silicon? im not going for any major, just small changes.
do u mean fillers? else how to raise the bridge?
nope not fillers. my bridge is fine, just want to shape the part of my nostril and my tip. they look kinda wide/fat. want to make it thinner. u know what i mean? u think dr.nara can do anything with it? and thanks for your reply. :wink:

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Post by aadvark » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 9:05 am

topboy wrote:
aadvark wrote:
topboy wrote:hey could anyone help me know whether dr.Nara can perform rhinoplasty without any insertion of the silicon? im not going for any major, just small changes.
do u mean fillers? else how to raise the bridge?
nope not fillers. my bridge is fine, just want to shape the part of my nostril and my tip. they look kinda wide/fat. want to make it thinner. u know what i mean? u think dr.nara can do anything with it? and thanks for your reply. :wink:
Nara does alarplasty but not tip refining. and he will only do if he thinks you need it :)
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Post by aadvark » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 9:08 am

summerboy02 wrote:
aadvark wrote:he doesn;t do skin stuff, but there's an aesthetics clinic on one of the floors beneath Lee Gardens Plaza hotel, think 5th floor, next to a kids' dental clinic. Can try that place :)
hey dude,u replied real fast and dont you have to sleep?haha
I hope to do my Rhino with Dr Nara and at the same time do Lasering for my face.Too Bad he dont do...BKK has more of these services though...BTW,have you done your buccal fat pad removal?I wana remove my baby fats on my face to achieve a chisel look...But that will be after my botox wear off...thanks for your reply
yup, done already. will post a pic of the removed fats to gross you guys out :)
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by mbk » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:04 am

aadvark thanks so much for updating and the pic! You are very generous in helping out everyone on this forum! Your jaws look wonderful!

I still have some more questions:

Are you still numb and swollen?

Can you chew fine (like bite into an apple or a hamburger)?

Can you pls post what your jaws look like from the front view?

Were the implants screwed into the bone?

Thanks! I really want a solid jawline as I think this is one of the most important features for a guy. Mine is very weak!

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Post by simplegal84 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:17 am

it is ~5 days after my rhino. my nose still feel hard and look bulbous at the tip. my cheeks look puffy. is it normal? i used to have an oval shape face, but now look abit rounder. i m abit worried it will changee the shape of my face. can someone who did rhino before pls advise? any idea when will the tip become soft? now is so hard and meaty.

Ms Juice
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Post by Ms Juice » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:19 am

simplegal84 wrote:it is ~5 days after my rhino. my nose still feel hard and look bulbous at the tip. my cheeks look puffy. is it normal? i used to have an oval shape face, but now look abit rounder. i m abit worried it will changee the shape of my face. can someone who did rhino before pls advise? any idea when will the tip become soft? now is so hard and meaty.
Its Normal, u gotta be patient and stay postive k?Anyway my face shape did change after my rhino, my face was more round last time, nowadays its kinda oval, not as round as b4....
I wonder izit bcos u add an implate thus it sharpen e face by pullin it to e front therefore nt as round? lol...
Anyway tis is wat i experienced.... :)

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Post by topboy » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:21 am

aadvark wrote:
topboy wrote:
aadvark wrote: do u mean fillers? else how to raise the bridge?
nope not fillers. my bridge is fine, just want to shape the part of my nostril and my tip. they look kinda wide/fat. want to make it thinner. u know what i mean? u think dr.nara can do anything with it? and thanks for your reply. :wink:
Nara does alarplasty but not tip refining. and he will only do if he thinks you need it :)
hmmm, alright. ermm okay, so my bridge is fine. and i just want to make my nose thinner, so any recommeded place you know of with the same if not close pricing like nara's? thanks for ya help. 8-)

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Post by boii18 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:43 am

Ms Juice wrote:
simplegal84 wrote:it is ~5 days after my rhino. my nose still feel hard and look bulbous at the tip. my cheeks look puffy. is it normal? i used to have an oval shape face, but now look abit rounder. i m abit worried it will changee the shape of my face. can someone who did rhino before pls advise? any idea when will the tip become soft? now is so hard and meaty.
Its Normal, u gotta be patient and stay postive k?Anyway my face shape did change after my rhino, my face was more round last time, nowadays its kinda oval, not as round as b4....
I wonder izit bcos u add an implate thus it sharpen e face by pullin it to e front therefore nt as round? lol...
Anyway tis is wat i experienced.... :)
Me too!!! xD
lip lift (somyos) - sept09, eyes, lip redn in taipei - dec09

Ms Juice
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Post by Ms Juice » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:46 am

boii18, urs so fast can c result? so fast sia..
mine at least took me 1.5mth or so b4 all my swelling subside sia........

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Post by boii18 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:51 am

Ms Juice wrote:boii18, urs so fast can c result? so fast sia..
mine at least took me 1.5mth or so b4 all my swelling subside sia........
Yup can le. You can see my before/after pics its quite obvious.

Though tip is still swollen..

You did implant rhino only?

I did the complete works.

And I think dr pat is quite good in his skill that why not much swelling. tho tip is still swollen and alar still feels hard.
lip lift (somyos) - sept09, eyes, lip redn in taipei - dec09

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Post by boii18 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:54 am

simplegal84 wrote:it is ~5 days after my rhino. my nose still feel hard and look bulbous at the tip. my cheeks look puffy. is it normal? i used to have an oval shape face, but now look abit rounder. i m abit worried it will changee the shape of my face. can someone who did rhino before pls advise? any idea when will the tip become soft? now is so hard and meaty.
its normal. my face looked imbalanced 7 days after my operation. I took a photo and I was like.. omg my right side of my face larger than left side ... and i was lyk... ehh how come my face is biggger now ar !! but yeah, my face luckily looked less puffy after around 2 weeks... phewww. and when i removed on the 2nd day i notice my eyes are dark at the inner part. was lyk wondering whats happening... now its gone.. guess it was bruising..

But now on my 2nd week the swelling of my face has subsided...

Those anesthetic agents probably have edemic properties.

Yes the tip feels hard and meaty in my case too.

Don't worry it will be gone in 2 weeks for an implant rhino, and probably 6 wks in a tipplasty
lip lift (somyos) - sept09, eyes, lip redn in taipei - dec09

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Post by boii18 » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:00 pm

pitsoul wrote:i've actually longed to do my nose n lipo nad BA since many yrs ago. jus found out recently there is a cheaper alternative from u guys. So happy n glad. Now that I'm free from my schedule and i'm gg to book airticket/hotel/appt. but my bf is not supportive n said dat he doesn't like anyting fake n dat i hv prob in my brain n dat he won't to ch me in future cos he know that i'm fake......we fought for many days alr..

I'm so sad now...sorry to b bringing this out but am veri a lost now..

How do u guys deal wif tis?
Many misconceptions about P.S.; that it look fake, that it is hard to maintain, that it has many post-op side effects, that the risks of complications are so high, that it feels fake etc.

While some of them used to be true in the past, I think that the situation is much improved in the present-day medical science.

I agree that some guys think that surgeried-beauties arent beautiful. That surgery is fake.. etc.. all that cliches. ahh. i can't be bothered. But he's your bf, so if he doesn't want it, probably you might want to postpone it.

Lets look at the commonly held cliches huh! How i hate them

1) natural is best ---> urgh, if natural is best, i wouldnt have gone for surgery. natural is NOT the best when your nose is not proportionate to your face!

2) end up look like michael jackson --> wonder why everyone say this! diao. there are so many success stories. michael jackson was the result of multiple ( more than 10 i think ) rhinoplasties, each of which he was unsatisfied with. know where to stop, and u be fine!

3) beauty is in e eye of the beholder --> oh lets face it ! ugliness ( and beauty ) is almsot universal !! What most pple think is ugly IS ugly! Anyway, there are a universal set of facial proportions and body proportions that are most ideal. GO read up about it.

4) beauty is only skin deep - lets admit it, EVERYWHERE particularly our love life or social life ( and even work life ) looks count. lets be beautiful both OUTSIDE and INSIDE.
lip lift (somyos) - sept09, eyes, lip redn in taipei - dec09

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