ah, sensitive skin.Inferno wrote:@boii18:
I will show you pix online sometime and for sure you will run away. Even Dr. Pat didnt imagine that a splint can make someone's skin to revolt like that.
I cannt blame anyone except my own skin.. its really really sensitive and ready to dish out troubles at any time - splint was just an excuse.
I am enduring sunburns and frost bites from quite some years, so i am not that worried about it. Its just that i need to think of removing the mark.
I still feel lucky because my skin didnt play games with stitches in my nose and chin. I literally came outta it with no troubles, which is kinda awesome
P.S. If we could get new skin like clothes, i would have thrown this one long time back!!
well, all the best to your healing yeah.
its so unlikely to have a p.s. nightmare from the cast, im sure all of us are worried about other stuff like infection, pain, nausea, bleeding, hematomas, etc rite.!

i symphatise with u totally abt the nostrils. i had unequal NOSE and it was so bad. anyway, dr pat did my nostrils asymmetrically a little purposely, because my whole right side of the face is slightly bigger. viewed front on now however ( after the adjustment by NUH P.S ) , my face and nose looks symmetrical and nice.
in fact i didnt notice i had unequal nostrils before the operation, until the NUH P.S. scrutinised my "before" photo to notice slight asymmetry in my nostril. if my nostril is perfectly sym, it wud nt fit my face well