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Re: lipo

Post by maple_seasons » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 1:38 pm

mooncake_ wrote:
pitsoul wrote:

He has replied you? I've sent an email about 2 weeks ago and til now no reply. I have some questions to ask him. These are d questions i've asked, maybe someone can help advise. I'm a PS virgin too.

Rhino, I have round nostrils (not triangular), can revise it without putting the nose bridge implant? Or with implant and sewing up the nostrils (is dat alar), how much?

Also, the prices for lipo on inner and outer thigh? vaser or traditional?

Breast augmentation, if I want silicon with teardrop implants instead of round? What method, axillary, periareolar or in framammary fold? What is the difference in prices? Also, we can just go down and do BA on d same day as consultation? Wonder what brand of implants he use? Thank you very much.
yea he did. i'm not sure which kind of lipo that is, cos i didn't ask.
btw, is anyone keen in doing lipo with dr.nara this year? let me know so we can go together cos i'm alone! :(
Hey, I am keen to do lipo on my thighs and calves. Have u manage to find his prices and mor einfor on the method he uses? Pls share ya????

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Post by pink_fuchsia » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 3:54 pm

hi any veteran out there??
i've visited 2 local PS for nose job consultation. Both gave totally different opinions thus making me very confused... The thing is, ive injected filler to my nose bridge in jan 08. one doc said don't do implant now coz of the filler, do alarplasty first. the other doc say: shld proceed with implant 1st. Filler presence doesn't matter. Later stage then decide whether or not to have alarplasty... so which is which now?? any sugg anyone??

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Post by ochtri17r » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 5:16 pm

pink_fuchsia wrote:hi any veteran out there??
i've visited 2 local PS for nose job consultation. Both gave totally different opinions thus making me very confused... The thing is, ive injected filler to my nose bridge in jan 08. one doc said don't do implant now coz of the filler, do alarplasty first. the other doc say: shld proceed with implant 1st. Filler presence doesn't matter. Later stage then decide whether or not to have alarplasty... so which is which now?? any sugg anyone??
i think the filler doesnt matter,because it can take out by the surgery,and you can doing rhinoplasty,that can use impant.i thougt there is a procedure which include rhinoplasty + alarplasty,i mean thats one package.

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Post by pink_fuchsia » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:01 pm

ya tats what the doc say. coz the filler is hyaluronic acid, which is also present in our bodies so doesn't matter. yup, there ought to be a implant+alarplasty surgery but the doc don't suggest it. he say to wait for the implant to settle down 1st then review whether or not to proceed with alarplasty. im all confused now... but i want to do it in may...

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Post by aadvark » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:02 pm

ochtri17r wrote:
pink_fuchsia wrote:hi any veteran out there??
i've visited 2 local PS for nose job consultation. Both gave totally different opinions thus making me very confused... The thing is, ive injected filler to my nose bridge in jan 08. one doc said don't do implant now coz of the filler, do alarplasty first. the other doc say: shld proceed with implant 1st. Filler presence doesn't matter. Later stage then decide whether or not to have alarplasty... so which is which now?? any sugg anyone??
i think the filler doesnt matter,because it can take out by the surgery,and you can doing rhinoplasty,that can use impant.i thougt there is a procedure which include rhinoplasty + alarplasty,i mean thats one package.
no the filler cannot be removed, one of the forumers did hers with filler still inside and the bridge was very high, look through the other thread for more info...

Dr Hsu advised Hello84 that alarplasty shld be done only after rhino to achive a proper balance and proportion so i think ideally nothing shld be done for now
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Post by aadvark » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:05 pm

maple_seasons wrote:
ats_syd wrote:
dreamerr wrote: Hi, since you had your BA with Dr. Nara, Would you like to share with us with more spesificaly, like What implant did he use, and how was the result?

can we choose what implant we want?

Do you need to come back to see Dr. Nara after 7-10 days of post operation?

and when we're staying for one night in hospital, can someone stay over with us for accompanion?

You can choose to have either silicone or saline. He only uses round implants. He will explain to you the pros and cons of both , and also where you want the incisions to be.

You can have someone staying with you in the hospital, there's an extra bed in the room,and a tv too.

I only saw Dr Nara once after the op (the next day),I went back to KL on the third day post op. Removed stiches on the 5th day in KL.

Who can help to remove the stiches for u? I thought doc wont do it if you didnt the surgery with them?
stitches can be removed by any GP; you don't need the designer to help you tailor change your pants
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Post by pink_fuchsia » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:12 pm

hi aadvark.
thanks for your input... so you are also suggesting that nothing be done for now? But i really wish to undergo a nose job in may... can still feel a bit of the filler along my nose bridge but not a lot... so only the nose bridge be exceptionally high but no complications expected?

sigh... im the impatient sort and really regretted injecting filler now.

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Post by ochtri17r » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:51 pm

pink_fuchsia wrote:ya tats what the doc say. coz the filler is hyaluronic acid, which is also present in our bodies so doesn't matter. yup, there ought to be a implant+alarplasty surgery but the doc don't suggest it. he say to wait for the implant to settle down 1st then review whether or not to proceed with alarplasty. im all confused now... but i want to do it in may...
i have same problem like you last year.but i wait about 3 months in order to the filler will gone by the age of filler.maybe you know how long the filler will be gone by the blood distribution.then after that you can decided to doing rhinoplasty.maybe...

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Post by yunli » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:10 pm

my friend had fillers and went to korea to do her nose..even though it could be removed, he suggested that its better not to have the fillers around as it complicates things.

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Post by yunli » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:12 pm

thanks aadvark for the info!

just not sure what i really need, cause everyone suggests different things and says different methods are better.

just wondering about the suture method by dr nara is reversible since its suture. Like if after two years, it sags/becomes less obvious(common for suture eyelid ops it seems)..can be removed?

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Post by lila25 » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:57 pm

hmmm...anyone overhere had dimples surgery? do they look fake? i'm interested but i'm afraid it looks fake.

anyone care to comment bout this? thanks in advance. :)

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Post by yunli » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:23 pm

think aadvark did it and he said its looking natural.

was thinking of it too, cause i have a faint dimple. thinking of making it more obvious

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Post by ats_syd » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:39 pm

I found this really great website that explains everything about eyelid surgery :

I am in the process of healing( post-op 3 weeks) , really happy to find this website that explains the healing process so thoroughly.

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Post by yunli » Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:51 pm

ats_syd wrote:I found this really great website that explains everything about eyelid surgery :

I am in the process of healing( post-op 3 weeks) , really happy to find this website that explains the healing process so thoroughly.
where did you do your surgery?

hope you have a speedy recovery! =)

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:18 am

pink_fuchsia wrote:hi aadvark.
thanks for your input... so you are also suggesting that nothing be done for now? But i really wish to undergo a nose job in may... can still feel a bit of the filler along my nose bridge but not a lot... so only the nose bridge be exceptionally high but no complications expected?

sigh... im the impatient sort and really regretted injecting filler now.
can still do la, but i mean it wld be difficult for surgeon to determine how high to make ur bridge cos he has to know what the natural state looks like, and the filler may cause judgement error.

if he make the bridge too low, then u next time dun like might have to revise again, wun it be more trouble? i think wait it out better, patience :D
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