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Plastic surgery in Thailand (Bangkok / Hatyai)

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Post by ochtri17r » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:12 pm

leav wrote:Hi Hi Aadvark ,
I really need ur advice, is there some tips when i go see Dr PAT, i heard like so much pain whenever ppl go see him etc. haha and how do u get THERE! it seems like some ulu place! Also, i wld like to know when the brusing will subside?

i'm going 22 april BTW, so i'm pretty excited and scared at the same TIME!

ochtri17r: Hi im styaing at REFILL NOW, ITs a hostel cum hotel, qutie nice according to what they say, its about 90 sgd for 5D4N. I have no idea which hotel is near TOKAI clinic cos the maps i've been reseraching do not have soi 90 and beyond =( but refill now should be pretty near since it is like soi 71 there=) and the eastern bus terminal is just outside, so u can take the airport express directly=)

Thanks,for your information.
good luck to you!
I think the bruising will subsided after 3-4 days.

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:34 pm

ochtri17r wrote:
leav wrote:Hi Hi Aadvark ,
I really need ur advice, is there some tips when i go see Dr PAT, i heard like so much pain whenever ppl go see him etc. haha and how do u get THERE! it seems like some ulu place! Also, i wld like to know when the brusing will subside?

i'm going 22 april BTW, so i'm pretty excited and scared at the same TIME!

ochtri17r: Hi im styaing at REFILL NOW, ITs a hostel cum hotel, qutie nice according to what they say, its about 90 sgd for 5D4N. I have no idea which hotel is near TOKAI clinic cos the maps i've been reseraching do not have soi 90 and beyond =( but refill now should be pretty near since it is like soi 71 there=) and the eastern bus terminal is just outside, so u can take the airport express directly=)

Thanks,for your information.
good luck to you!
I think the bruising will subsided after 3-4 days.
hmmm, do you intend to stay in the hotel the entire duration in bangkok? because after surgery, next day can go out le... i dun really care if ppl see my swollen face, quite common in bangkok, i see locals with obvious PS bandages walking on the streets...

tokai is nearer to the airport, which means far from the city and the shopping. i have stayed in the city so far and go out after the surgery, i just go back to tokai one last time b4 i fly off for a quick check to see that nothing's wrong.

a taxi ride to tokai from the city wld be like 150 baht, arnd 7SGD, but much more convenient to entertain urself in the meanwhile if u stay in the city
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Post by aadvark » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:47 pm

leav wrote:Hi Hi Aadvark ,
I really need ur advice, is there some tips when i go see Dr PAT, i heard like so much pain whenever ppl go see him etc. haha and how do u get THERE! it seems like some ulu place! Also, i wld like to know when the brusing will subside?

i'm going 22 april BTW, so i'm pretty excited and scared at the same TIME!

ochtri17r: Hi im styaing at REFILL NOW, ITs a hostel cum hotel, qutie nice according to what they say, its about 90 sgd for 5D4N. I have no idea which hotel is near TOKAI clinic cos the maps i've been reseraching do not have soi 90 and beyond =( but refill now should be pretty near since it is like soi 71 there=) and the eastern bus terminal is just outside, so u can take the airport express directly=)
i can't tell u much abt tipoplasty, cos so far i've only known one person who has does it, so that's not a very good sampling size :) but think Lazy took 6 weeks to deswell? cos tipoplasty is much more invasive then a closed rhinoplasty... closed rhinoplasty can take anywhere from 5-10 days for most of swelling to be gone, think tipo might take at least twice that time since u r actually cutting your cartilage

but of cos, this doesn't mean u have a huge nose and it disappears overnight, it will keep shrinking everyday, and first few weeks will be most apparent, think there will come a certain point where u can cover with make up even if a bit swollen, just say u have flu :)

also to remember, ur new nose shld be smaller, so the swollen nose is slightly bigger than ur original nose, so wun be very obvious
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Post by princessli » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 2:18 pm

oh dear... poor aardvark. Do take care ya

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Re: lipo

Post by ats_syd » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 3:09 pm

pitsoul wrote:
mooncake_ wrote:i've juz emailed and checked with dr.nara about the prices of liposuction over at this clinic. each area is at 10000 baht, which i find it really really reasonable but i've realised that there isnt really any feedbacks on his lipo over at this forum. is it because he doesnt specialise in lipo? if anyone has any experiences, pls share yea? i'm planning to go for lipo at my thighs and butt this year, thanks! :D
Breast augmentation, if I want silicon with teardrop implants instead of round? What method, axillary, periareolar or in framammary fold? What is the difference in prices? Also, we can just go down and do BA on d same day as consultation? Wonder what brand of implants he use? Thank you very much.

Nara used round,"Mentor" brand, smooth saline implants on me . Not sure about if he uses other brands for silicone implants though, but I am quite sure he only uses round shaped implants - silicone or saline.

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Post by ats_syd » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 3:15 pm

dreamerr wrote: Hi, since you had your BA with Dr. Nara, Would you like to share with us with more spesificaly, like What implant did he use, and how was the result?

can we choose what implant we want?

Do you need to come back to see Dr. Nara after 7-10 days of post operation?

and when we're staying for one night in hospital, can someone stay over with us for accompanion?

You can choose to have either silicone or saline. He only uses round implants. He will explain to you the pros and cons of both , and also where you want the incisions to be.

You can have someone staying with you in the hospital, there's an extra bed in the room,and a tv too.

I only saw Dr Nara once after the op (the next day),I went back to KL on the third day post op. Removed stiches on the 5th day in KL.

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Post by leav » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 3:55 pm

Thanks so much addvark! that helped really much, means that if i go back after 5 days ppl will know that i had a PS?

Also which hotel did u stay at?

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Re: thnis

Post by aadvark » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 7:16 pm

leav wrote:Thanks so much addvark! that helped really much, means that if i go back after 5 days ppl will know that i had a PS?

Also which hotel did u stay at?
Yeah, 5 days definitely not enough

I stayed at four seasons international house right next to baiyoke, walking dist to mbk, 3.5 stars, got cable tv and wireless (abt sgd 9 per 6 hrs), not too bad
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Post by dreamerr » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 9:53 pm

ats_syd wrote: You can choose to have either silicone or saline. He only uses round implants. He will explain to you the pros and cons of both , and also where you want the incisions to be.

You can have someone staying with you in the hospital, there's an extra bed in the room,and a tv too.

I only saw Dr Nara once after the op (the next day),I went back to KL on the third day post op. Removed stiches on the 5th day in KL.
Thx for the response.
So you remove the stitches in KL?
Okay, i live in singapore, where should i go to remove the stitches? i mean, which doctor, or any surgeon?
im a dreamer, but im not the only one

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:32 pm


here's my swollen jaw 2 days after surgery.... everyone on the streets look at me like i'm a freak... damn weird... good thing is some ppl give me the handicap treatment, extra nice to me, lol :P
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Post by boii18 » Sat, 15 Mar 2008 3:35 am

Thanks aadvark for ur help :)
All the best to your recovery!
6 weeks to deswell from tipoplasty is soooo long! haha.

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Post by boii18 » Sat, 15 Mar 2008 4:17 am

Last edited by boii18 on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: thnis

Post by leav » Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:29 am

Oh dear, 5 days really not enough? oh wells i already book my hotel and airtickets already, so i guess ppl are gonna stare at me when i am on the plane! =( who cares anwyays=)

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Post by leav » Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:43 am

HI i also read that taking plane should only be done after 2 weeks of a nose job? is that TRUE?!

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Re: hi

Post by ochtri17r » Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:14 pm

leav wrote:HI i also read that taking plane should only be done after 2 weeks of a nose job? is that TRUE?!
not really,you can take airplane 1 week after your surgery i think thats enough.but yeah from my experience when i've got revision my nose pretty swollen,and when i was on the plane,people staring at me like i am an alien,they were laughing when look at me.that such was a terrible flight that i have.

so becarefull,when you on the plane

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