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by mz^d » Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:13 pm
Well, the screening which is done by the agency is done at least 2 weeks prior to the actual interview with Etihad.
Screening: You will be asked to fill out some forms and then proceed to take your height and do your min arm reach test which is 216cm.
After which you will be called in to meet with one of the interviewers from the agency and she will ask you to introduce yourself and elaborate a bit about your current job and also ask you questions which will be related to the position you are applyin for. There are 2 ways they will do this. One is to give you a small slip of paper inviting you to the final interview with Etihad, else you will be asked to go back home and wait as they will need further consideration. So dun despair if you do not receive the small slip. I only received a call from the agency 2 days prior to the final interview.
Final interview process:
Fill up forms, line up to do your arm reach test again. Then hand in your forms. You will all then proceed to the main ballroom where you will have to sit through the presentation (Video and some background of the airline and Abu Dhabi)
They will then split the group into 2. the first 50 -60 candidates will have to sit through the english test and the rest of the 60 candidates will proceed to do the 1-1 interview,
English test - Simple vocab, grammer test and a very simple essay. I suggest you do the essay first then proceed to the MCQ. This is really very simple and it;s impossible to fail this test.
1 on 1 - The interview will ask you to pick an object from the floor, e.g - water, newspaper, glass, lip gloss, mirror etc etc and you gotta explain why you chose that object. Questions differ for every individual.
AFter this round, the groups swap to do the english test and 1on1 respectively. Then you gotta wait. The interviewers will then announce the names of the candidates who have made it to the next round which are group activities.
Group activity 1: You will be given a small piece of paper with a topic. You will then have to present it in front of the other candidates. Your presentation has to be a minute long and you won't be given a lot of time to prepare for the presentation.
Group ACtivity 2: They will give you a scenario and you will have to discuss and then come to a conclusion together as a team. No voting allowed as they want the outcome to be carefully thought over and discussed. This is the trickier of the lot as they will take away the sheet of paper which has the scenario on it and it was a challenge for us to remember the items or the characters. One of the members will then have to present the outcome and also reason with the interviewers. Be prepared for rebuttals from the interviewer.
De-Selection round. They will call out the numbers and separate the succesful and unsuccesful ones and notify them separately. Successful candidates will have to proceed to the final interview.
Final Interview: More forms to fill. Then one by one you will have to go in and meet with the interviewers again and this time they will throw different scenarios at you mostly related to the usual job hazards of flying. They basically wanna get a feel of how you would react in different and difficult situations. Very tricky questions:p But by the time you get to the final interview, you would be way too tired to be nervous and everything will just come naturally! Do note that the interviewer will write down your answers for all the questions.
Then you go back home and wait for the results of the final interview. The managent of Etihad will review your files. Once you are through this round. They will send your particulars to the security department where they will do a background check on you and once this is over, you can proceed to do your medicals:p <waiting>
That's it!