Yes it is interesting, and I believe I do my bit most of the time, occassionally my wife will remind me, about the recycling, we have bags at home for all different items, newspapers, plastics, are all sorted, however there is no specific collection points.Bafana wrote:It was scarey but also empowering in that it made me think that we can still do something about it to stop it and reverse it on a personal level without drastically changing my lifestyle/habits. It also answered a lot of the he said she said urban myths out there about whether it is real or not.
I always feel that it is more productive to lead people through clear and easy solution with a carrot then my the common environmentla trend of trying to scare people itno action. M ost peopel just shut down and ignore when something threatens their personal safety/sanity especially when it is out of their control.
BTW my company made us watch teh video on International Environmental Day a couple of weeks ago so no choice but to make time lah
huggybear wrote:bafana so you're a red blooded capitalist that now is worried about "the next generation?" haha.
as KSL said, everyone only cares about money. been following this for a while now. china became the world's largest polluter i think last month. So officially China says the western countries have been polluting the environment for far longer and thus should take the lead in reducing global emissions (i.e. the US rejected the Kyoto accord so why should anyone give a damn?)
Reality is that China doesn't give a damn about the environment and chinese people are too obsessed in trying to make $ in the stock market. So thus if you go to a city such as Chongqing, you'll be lucky if you can see the sun on a clear day because it is that polluted. Cars drive with a film of dirt on them, and when you arrive ... you first thing it's foggy until you's not fog but pollution.
there have been stories for tens of years about the depleting environment, over fishing, destroying rain forests, etc... and now you give a crap after watching a relatively unscientific movie?? I guess i should be happy that someone new has been converted to be green....
also the # of days you can see across the hong kong harbor i think is down to below 250 days a year...that's pretty piss poor.
another 10 years of this and there won't be any fish to see when you go diving / snorkeling. water temps are already rising ... where are all the snowboarders going to snowboard? In Dubai in their indoor ski park??
i guess the good part about this is that i can finally climb everest ... in my t-shirt and shorts...
wait is my post longer then KSLs????
Yes! Can you imagine Everest becoming a tourist attraction and all the family climbing up! How it would be, next step would be. to get into the guinness record book for the quickest time.Huggybear i guess the good part about this is that i can finally climb everest ... in my t-shirt and shorts...
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