Has anyone sent their children to the Broderick branch of EtonHouse--the International School? We may be able to get both children admitted (ages 6 and 3 when they will be there). Any thoughts? We are coming from Seattle and looking for an academically challenging but supportive school and a Montessori experience for the younger one. Or are all schools in Singapore rigorous? We might be able to send one child to SAS's kindergarten, but the one-time facilities fee for a six-month stay is discouraging in that we are paying our own fees. We might also be able to send the children to ERIS.
Has anyone visited the Eton House facility? What are the demographics? (We are American but would love the children to have a more local experience). Any impressions or ideas of these schools would be helpful. (I've read the other threads on SAS and ERIS). Thanks!