How you keep on, there is no 'protection rule' as you inadequately describe it. Strong Eagle merely stated what you have been told umpteen times already; a requirement that exists in most countries. Nobody was talking about issues of corruption which exist almost anywhere. I suggest you stop bashing Singapore and examine your own inadequacies.askmeagain wrote:Well, Strong Eagle is right. Most of the developed countries have "protection rule" this is what I say in nice words, not discrimination,
But they are being realistic, and you have ignored the most obvious point in my post.zltm089 wrote:Thanks for ur comment eagle... yeah ... well these governments should start being more realistic!!!
SE is being realistic since the Singapore government has operated this policy for a number of years now, if it was somehow detrimental to the calibre of people sought it would probably have been revised some time ago. There may or may not be tax-concessions and various perks that would make Singapore attractive to a foreigner with the right credentials.zltm089 wrote:thanks for all ur comments guys....hmmmm...eagle....i don't think they r being realistic in "asking" for people with degrees from world wide reputable universities who have more than 4 years solid experience in their field! come on! yes they might be successful in attracting a few but lets be realistic.... a 30 year old investment banker, educated at LSE and working for lets say Morgan Stanley with 5 years experience , currently earning over £55000 per year IS UNLIKELY TO MOVE TO SINGAPORE!!!! Unless he is really fed up of london city and all the money he is earning!!!!
These are the kind of people Singapore does not want if it allowed such people to immigrate the country would be overwhelmed with persons who would do nothing than create a burden and would often be unemployable.people that will migrate are people looking for a fresh new start! Eg people who have no degrees, no money, or work experience (these ones tend to become the illegal ones)
I don't think you understand the Singapore government is not 'wanting a multi-cultural work force' it is short of suitably qualified and or experienced persons and various races may apply if they are able to me the stipulated requirments.the government should stop seeing graduates from abroad as being in competition with the locals! if they want to have a multi cultural talented work force they gota stop their "protectionist" measures
You have me a little puzzled with this statement a good many Singporeans studied at the reputable universities of Britain, Austrailia and the US.AND PLEASE, DON'T PUT ALL GRADUATES IN THE SAME BOAT! MOST U.S and British universities are the BEST IN TERMS OF RESEARCH AND TEACHING AND REPUTATION.
I think you may be wrong, I seem to remember although not for certain Singapore was among the top for teaching science subjects. Perhaps Sms or SE would like to add their comments here as I am short on information.i am not saying that singapore's tertiary education is bad, but when compared to some british and u.s universities , they just can't match! thats a fact!
Why don't you concentrate on getting a job in your native country first and build up some experience? That way you can spend some time examine the economy of the country you may wish to work in. Some graduates have started their own companies in Singapore with a measure of success (incidentally Strong Eagle is one of them). From a simple viewpoint you badly need a plan of action as you appear frustrated and unwilling to consider the reality of the situation.zltm089 wrote: SO ANY ADVICE OR COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED GUYS! ?
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