Yes there is no perfect surgeon in the world but at least you chose a properly certified and ethical establishment to Decrease the possibility of problems. Meaning the Percentage of possibility of Problems happening can range from 99% from a quack to 5% from an ethical & established doctor. Well, whether you are happy or not depends on your expectations. Like i was still content about my piggy-er, slightly crooked nose & the obvious piece effect, if u have read my post from when i first went to surgery u wld b able to see that i mentioned those effects b4, i din pull them out from the sky.
I also chose kalo cos it was nearer & cheaper. Actually I have heard Miss Tay persuading people to do surgery "Do it today la, the more you think about it the more you wont do it. Do la." I heard it with my own ears & other times. Perhaps you don't find her pushy cos you already want to do alot of procedures. When i went in for consultation for my nose, she told me to do my bridge and eyes too and have several times asked me again to do my bridge as well. But actually i don think that it is very pushy either. Just that Lila mentioned it and you won't find a real doctor suggesting what you didn't ask for to you.
But perhaps Miss Tay is right, perhaps i do need to do my bridge & nose. But why i didn't want to do it at first was, i had only wanted my nose to be smaller & was nervous about surgery, wasn't thinking about anything else at all. So when she mention eyes i was like ? Oh no thanks xiexie =)
I think why miss Tay was so mean to me was because she knew i would not be coming back for more procedures, before that, she had always been very nice to me (dono fake or not la) and i have always been very nice to everyone in the clinic ( they are going to stick needles & knives into u leh! jking!)
Later i had considered doing an implant to correct the piggy-ness of my nose & epicanthoplasty but after seeing some forumers problem with shifting implants, Hello84's treatment after he had problems & even my own treatment when the girl Rachel when after surgery i asked her Nicely SOMEMORE "if crooked how?" She gave me a very pissedoff look & attitude, Shalom's pictures of her huge implant& obviously unethical behaviour.
I was interested in doing epi as well cos local docs although they are the same price Dr wong charge $1k for epi, he uses Z method which causes alot of scarring i was interested in the no scar epi of kalo but close ups of Yen's eyes i saw unbalance in the 2 lids so i dropped my idea. The removal of the epi fold not similar in both eyes(look at inner corner of eyes). But like i was content with my imperfect nose, yen seems to be happy with her eyes. I know with other docs there is a chance of it coming out unbalanced as well, but from kalo's high risk past history & my eyes are alright now, so i don wish to make it worse. crooked nose ppl may overlook but later crooked nose , unbalanced eyes together will be too much
There is no need to get hostile, this is just a forum to share our experience and some of us do care about other people & don't want them to go through unnecessary problems.
In the end it is one's own choice and decision. People are not stupid. I don't believe everyone who hears what i say will stop going to Kalo, there will be some who will still (b risk-taking, lol ) go. But at least perhaps she will be mentally prepared for problems she/he will face and be able to handle it.
Froggie08 wrote:Hi,
My feel,
I have read alot of PS forum.
I find that there are no 100% perfect surgeon in the world.
Even the famous one also got miss cue.Right!
Don't tell me that all PS doctor you all had did or recommend are 100% perfect.
If yes, you are bullshiting.
So doing PS is depending on your luck.
Whether you can get a good look or slight not you want.
If not good do until good la
How I decide where & when to do my PS?
1)Research all PS doctor or place.
2)Chat with all PS buddy which they have already done their PS.
3)Consult the Dr or Place
5)which status is more suitable for you?
I know some good doctor in Korea & Taiwan.But is too far.
I have friend in Korea the did his nose with same doctor 5 time.
then look very nice.
Why chose Kalo?
1)my friends did there result very good.
2)Somebody to take care of me after Ps like food, my own bed & ... can go back home sweet home.
I believe that good enviorment for healing is the best way for fast recovery.
My nose deswell very fast about 3 week, look very nice liao.
3)My consultan Ms Tay is not pushy.Actually I plan to do alot of thing to make perfect.Then she told me no need just do the nose & the eye can.
she help me to save about RM4888
Up to you ppl to chose you PS to be done.this ll depend on your luck.
So good luck to you all.