yes recovery is faster den vaser bcos the doc did not put me on GA, as for my fren who did vaser, she suffered from the after effects of GA hence the recovery time after the surgery was longer.
There wasnt much bruisng. after the surgery my arm felt lik i overexercised. but i was able to get back to work after 3days, though stretching of arms and some other arms mvement is more restricted.
Post 2weeks plus almost 3 weeks my arms are normal now but aching at areas near the stitches. the stitches had been removed 5days after the op and now its recovering slight scarring and it will get lighter soon.
However i've yet to see much size difference yet. hopefuly by the nx 2 mths can reduce in size. This is my only worry now. If its not my desired size i proly have to undergo another op again.