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Home Tutoring

Discuss the various enrichment courses that interests your child. It can be tuition classes to robotics courses.
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Home Tutoring

Post by SallySlack » Wed, 23 May 2007 9:40 pm

I am noticing that other people are also having issues with school waiting lists! We are a British family moving to Singapore in the summer from the US. We applied to Tanglin Trust last September for our three boys, but as yet only have a place for the eldest (12). The two younger ones (11 & 8) are still waiting for places to become available. We didn't apply to any other schools because we thought we had it all in hand by applying a year in advance! We are now looking at perhaps the younger two starting at Tanglin in January. Does anybody know where we can employ a tutor to home school them for a term? I have looked at numerous tutoring sites but they all seem to just cater for after school tutoring and not full time.

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Post by GKalra » Thu, 24 May 2007 2:27 pm

I have not come across any kids or tutors involved in home tutoring as an alternative to full time school in Singapore.

Why not put them in another International School for a term? There are some good schools that don't have waiting lists.

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Post by SallySlack » Fri, 25 May 2007 10:07 am

Thanks for the reply GKalra. We have been given the impression by the school search people working on our behalf that most schools have waiting lists and aren't interested in taking on students short term. I understand that it would be costly to do this as well because of registration fees etc.
If you have any particular schools you can recommend that would be great.

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Short term

Post by GKalra » Fri, 25 May 2007 1:23 pm

OFS is a school that has grown a lot in the last year both in size and attributes. I have'nt had any personal experience with them but have heard good things. A BIG PLUS is that they do not have a big registration fees so you won't loose out.
Dover Court is also a good school, small and very multi cultural, some places available they however do have a registration and require one term's notice for full refund.
A new school, ER international also has places available.

Hope this helps you.

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