I need to have a particular movie and literature like a text (from a book like Shakespeare's work or a text-based case study like the one used by business schools/MBA programmes) to be viewed by participants in an experiment study for free legally. Any ideas?
For the movie, I was thinking to put a link to a website where people can watch some movies online for free. That shouldn't be illegal, I reckon?
I haven't found the website that has the movie I was looking for: The Merchant of Venice and WallStreet or Other People's Money.
I've tried peekvid etc. but still no luck so far. Any recommendations on these kind of websites would be appreciated heaps.
For the literature, I'm looking for again The Merchant of Venice literature or one of these case studies used by business schools/MBA programmes.
If I purchase my own copy and make that copy of mine available for others to view, would it be illegal?