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The reality of being an SQ GAL

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SIA Cabin Crew Gal
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Post by SIA Cabin Crew Gal » Wed, 16 May 2007 5:45 pm


thankfully SIA is slowly but surely phasing out team flying.

As such, chances are, you wont meet the same ppl again!

For me thts GREAT news coz every flight ppl see u differently and u start on a clean slate w/o any biasness or prejudice/ prejudgments...

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Post by mayfair » Wed, 16 May 2007 5:51 pm

that is some consolation.

sounds like probation will be a tough period to go through... situations does not seem within control at all.
I can so imagine the agony and the feeling of uncertainty before every flight!

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Post by mayfair » Wed, 16 May 2007 5:58 pm

If the seniors have themselves been through it... the more they should understand the cruelty of it all and not do it unto others. I believe it is their duty and right to correct and perhaps lecture the juniors shortcomings but it should all be in the name of professionalism. However, to intentionally make things difficult for juniors just does not sound ethical.

SIA Cabin Crew Gal
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Post by SIA Cabin Crew Gal » Wed, 16 May 2007 6:09 pm

very true, not only is it unethical, its really unproffessional !!!

can u imagine. some of them r living in a world of their own where they r so caught up with their own way of things tht they dont even know they r steeping overboard.

but we have no choice but to grit our teeth n bear w it.

circumstances r such... :(

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Re: hi guys

Post by Plavt » Wed, 16 May 2007 6:36 pm

SIA Cabin Crew Gal wrote:My mistake i didnt. It was the 777-300ER aircraft which means economy class is down by one crew n we have to do both crew duties. Its not an excuse i noe...
she scolded me for not taking their drink order!
First of all I realize it is not easy to do the work of more than one person and it is the effect is noticeable on the 747's where they now have 16 cabin crew instead of 17 (last time I flew).

There is a simple answer to your problem above: procedures. When you are alone at home in your hotel room just grab a notepad and write them down and go over them several times, even list them using numbers. Then you can use a blank notepad to see if you can remember what they are, like you are revising for an exam. A good deal of your experience will be using procedures.

In my former employment on the railways there was one fundamental reason accidents occurred; people would ignore procedures yet if they had been carried out things wouldn't have gone wrong.

You can obviously see your mistakes and there is no shame in making them (I'd get very worried if I met somebody who never made one and anybody who says they don't make them is liar!)

In short find a metholodgy to stop yourself making a mistake, believe me it is possible.

During the lull period the LS who i werked with on the way up actually came down n asked me how am i... he lent me a listening ear n even reassured me tht my werk is ok for a 5th solo... And to my surprise he said A has a reputation for zapping jrs!
That says it all; she has no right to be rude to juniors and such an attitude only amplies her own weakness.

Last edited by Plavt on Wed, 16 May 2007 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by buzzzybeebee » Wed, 16 May 2007 7:13 pm

SIA Cabin Crew Gal wrote:very true, not only is it unethical, its really unproffessional !!!

can u imagine. some of them r living in a world of their own where they r so caught up with their own way of things tht they dont even know they r steeping overboard.

but we have no choice but to grit our teeth n bear w it.

circumstances r such... :(

Well to me, these pple are not only unethical/unprofessional. THey are kinda psychotic! Can't imagine how disgusting it is to see them smile in front of the passengers, then treat you like shit behind closed doors...

But hang on there gal, you sure will bound to meet nicer pple in the future! Cheers! :D

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Post by salvana » Wed, 16 May 2007 9:04 pm

Hey SIA Cabin Crew Gal,

Wow... that's pretty 'un-cool' about the job that most of the gals here would ever dream of huh? :)

Yeah... the zapping, bullying, marking, picking,etc on othas are simply everywhere... not particularly in Airline industry.
But as we all know that this is a female dominant working environment....thus, no surprise that it's rather complicated... OoPsS... pardon me... but I juz can't deny the fact that females are rather hmm... complicated? or perhaps I shld say 'sophisticated'.. hohohoho..... :o
Well.... I myself is a gal lah.... so, somehow can truly understand that gals are rather troublesome+demanding comparing to the guys....

But above all those :mad: stuffs.... u gotta b STRONG!!! :evil: Yeah,babe... STRONG is the mark that in your mind and probably u can stare at mirror everyday when u wakey and tell urself that "Today I'm gonna b even stronger that yesterday"
I know those words of encouragement are all easier said that done.... BUT... none of us here know u better than any1 else.... So, when u decided to pursue this dream job of urs... U juz gotta go for it,babe!!

Remember,girl. There're so many of us here longing to be one of the crew (including me :P ), but we juz couldn't get the job... u GOT the job! so, u better treasure this opportunity....
There're 2 sides of a coin, it depends on which side that you choose to look at....
Hence, it really depends on which side of the obstacles that you're looking at...

Juz 1 last kay-poh advice huh.. hehehhe :lol: think +vely, and u'll definitely do things +vely..... Babe, u'll neva know... the results will turn out +vely too....

Do your best,babe! 8-)

~Come what may~ (Quoted from Moulin Rouge Sound Track)
~Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place~ Change the word 'world' to SIA... :wink:
~Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace~ Change the word 'It' to I ... =D>
~Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste~ Change the word 'life' to effort... \:D/

Cheers & Ciaoo....
Dreams Do Come True

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Post by irin » Thu, 17 May 2007 12:03 am

Hi SIA Cabin Crew Gal!

dun worry too much and bear with! after the probation it will be much much better and u will enjoy your job more i guess. :)

i suppose after probation, the seniors won't bother you too much...

just bear with it for a while and u be fine girl, ;)
and u might stay in the line for a long time since the pay is good and the perks of travelling are there too..

so jiayou, jiayou! :)

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Post by autumn-reverie » Thu, 17 May 2007 12:40 am

SIA Cabin Crew Gal, thanks for sharing with us your personal experience. It certainly paints a more realistic picture of life as a cabin crew besides the glamour and perks we usually associate it with.

I'm having my mgmt interview on Mon and have been really nervous yet excited. But your posts have jolted me out of my excitement and prompted me to search deep down and ask myself why i honestly want this job. Ultimately, does it simply boil down to the glamour associated with being a SQ girl? I really hope not..

That lead me to further wonder.. if i make it pass the interviews, i'll have to defer or even end my education. Will i be prepared seeing my friends go to Uni while i wander off the less trodden path? Am i ready to enter the working world full-time at age 18? Will i be strong enough to handle all the bad stuff thrown at me?

i really hope so. i guess i won't have to worry.. i'll most probably not make it through anyway :(

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Post by bytheway » Thu, 17 May 2007 1:11 am

is not even glamous. jus that the impression created to many is that is very glamous, etc jus air waitering job. and slightly higher pay. and can travel around. + high risk. been hearing bad experiences from my SIA frd. and one of her prob is that due to different sleepin habit, her health is affected. etc etc......hmm? all problems and bad side of the job. usually were covered up. they will do whatever they can to protect the company image etc etc.....
but is good to have more people sharing :)

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Post by girl-next-door » Thu, 17 May 2007 1:49 am

Hi SIA cabin crew gal, hearing your story, i feel sympathy for u standing at your point of views. I can understand the agony to work with these people. But it has been your wish to be an SIA gal, dun give up now!! No matter how difficult life will be, dun give up ur dreams because of these people. As time pass, you will be senior too! And at that point of time you wun have to face all these shits anymore! So keep going on k!! :)

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Post by sakiya » Thu, 17 May 2007 9:45 am

ya lo i also do not understand why those "zapping" senior will behave like that. they also went through the same process before wah then they should be more understand for junior situation. must take care of them istead of zapping them all the time.
haiz :D

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Post by vix » Thu, 17 May 2007 10:20 am

aiyo, u started wk yesterday isit? i tink u're just oversensitive - complain sup, complain pax, complain mentor, then how to serve? remember during the interview u said u wan to serve? now this is about servig mah!

if pax block the way, tell them to do so after take off - if they like u so much (take ur pics) they'll listen woah

imagine from pax angle - how do they feel if they r served food without drinks?

at the nd of day, think about going thru the aircrew clearance at the airport and taking your own bus to hotel - n the look of admiration/ jeolous from pax who wait in long queue or for cabs ... the feeling is priceless!

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Post by TG » Fri, 18 May 2007 5:27 pm

vix wrote:aiyo ... the feeling is priceless!
Ok, chill it gals. be nice to each other. Peace.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 18 May 2007 6:57 pm

TG wrote:
vix wrote:aiyo ... the feeling is priceless!
Ok, chill it gals. be nice to each other. Peace.
Vix isn't bitching as you appear to assume, just giving cabin crew gal some sage advice. Vix is an experienced stewardess.

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