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Any ideas for first Birthday?

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Any ideas for first Birthday?

Post by jasmine_g » Mon, 14 May 2007 3:27 pm

Hi, I am looking for ideas for my sons first birthday.Also where I can get party supplies?
Apreciate any help you can give,

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Post by IanRats » Tue, 22 May 2007 11:05 pm

2nd floor of the Concourse shopping centre (Beach Road) has a number of party shops with a whole range of things that won't break the bank.

If you're looking for something themed to a popular character like say Spiderman (maybe not for a 1 year old!) then you might struggle there but we got everything we needed there without anyy hassle!

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Post by sq009 » Wed, 23 May 2007 1:23 am

From what I know:
1. store located lvl 2 Great World City, Selling generic party stuff
2. 4th or 5th floor of Centrepoint (cant remmeber with floor) Theres a shop at the corner selling trendy party accesories.
3. There are quite a few party equipment rentals at middle road (but they cater mostly to teens/corporate parties)

If i can remember, i will include more =) will try to dig out the info for ya.

Oh ya... why dont u hold it at botanics! nice place for a first bday
(watch out for the rain)
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Post by kirstyL » Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:02 pm

Well I am not sure what kind of party you are thinking to have or who you want to invite! I guess difficult for 1 yr because they are too young to really enjoy anything u arrange and wont remember anyway, but still feel like you need to have a nice party for them!

I would suggest anywhere they can have a lot of other baby friends join in, as i suppose thats the funniest part for the baby themselves! My husbands cousin held her sons first birthday at MacDonalds. They are quite good and really entertain the kids, but the birthday boy wasnt really interested in the games, mostly just ran around excited to have so many people in one room all paying attention to him! Otherwise a beach BBQ is good if your little one enjoys playing on the beach or in the water, only concern is rain!

Good Luck anyway!

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spiderman party

Post by mamtamoona » Fri, 22 Jun 2007 5:04 pm

Hi! i had just been to concourse today to look out for spiderman party supplies for my son who is gong to be 3 in july but cud not find anything. Could any of you please let me know where to find them?????

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