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Joined: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:56 am
Location: Singapore


Post by fairy » Sun, 13 May 2007 9:26 pm

i intend to go Taiwan, in a few months time. but it's my first time tkaing a plane, booking and stuffs.

anyone has any idea any interesting places to go in Taiwan? i plan to take public transport, the train or something

and which way can i get the cheapest tickets? i think Jet Star is the cheapest, right?
any other way to get cheaper tickets?

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Post by rhino » Sun, 13 May 2007 10:00 pm

I would say that you're right on with Jetstar being the cheapest - alternatives would be China Airlines and Singapore Airlines - if you are going by yourself Singapore is bound to be the most expensive option - they only seem to discount when you book in groups of 4 or 2. I've flown Taipei - Singapore with Jetstar and found it to be okay - although it is a bit cramped.

As for what there is to do outside of Taipei, there is Danshui, a seaside suburb / town by the sea, accessible by public bus or MRT, hot springs at Wulai just south of Taipei, and Yanmingshan just north of Taipei if you like trekking. Way out of Taipei there is Taroko Gorge in the East, Sun Moon Lake in the centre of Taiwan, Alishan where people get up at 4am to see the sun come up over the clouds and mountains (may not be accessible by public transport). In the south there is Tainan (lots of temples) and Kenting National Park (beaches).

I spent a year in Taiwan a long time a go to study Chinese, but that is all the places I can remember outside of Taipei right now! When you're in Taipei make sure you go to Shihlin night market. Heaps of great things to eat!!

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