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by kellw » Fri, 11 May 2007 8:30 pm
Are there enclaves of Australians and other nationalities? Do nationalities live close or come together in clubs, groups? How do we get to meet other Australians?
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by Kristii » Fri, 11 May 2007 11:24 pm
im an aussie!!!
i havent been out that much in singapore - but if yuo check on the events, gatherings and making friends page you will find a fair few aussies... i was trying to organise an aussie night out - but it was short noticed and people couldnt make it - should try and do it again!!
Maybe Singapore should be called the "Sunburnt Country" instead of Australia....
I seem to be getting more "sunburnt" here then i did back home lol!
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by kellw » Sat, 12 May 2007 6:20 am
hey love thank you for your reply. Am still in Oz and husband is in negotiations with work. I am just going in panic mode and want to find some info.
Melbourne on this cool Saturday morning is chilly, foggy and calm. I am guessing about 10-12 C. Perfect to blow the windows open and lie in bed with computer and coffee.
Happy days
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by Leela » Sat, 12 May 2007 8:14 am
kellw wrote:Are there enclaves of Australians and other nationalities? Do nationalities live close or come together in clubs, groups? How do we get to meet other Australians?
A good way to meet other Australians is becoming a member of ANZA (the Australian and New Zealand Association). They have thousands of members and organise lots of activities every month, (casual coffee mornings, pub outings, tours, sport competitions, etc.) plus they provide a lot of useful information for when you first arrive here.
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by kellw » Sat, 12 May 2007 6:42 pm
Thanks Leela, am excited and will keep that in mind.
Happy days
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by micknlea » Sat, 12 May 2007 10:50 pm
No need for panic. Singapore is a lovely place and there are lots of us Aussies around if you start to feel homesick, but so much more to enjoy as well. You will not find it hard to meet up. As Leela said, ANZA is a good start.
Enjoy those beautiful crisp autumn mornings, (I miss them!!!) there is no such thing here, but then there is also no such thing as a freezing cold morning where you don't want to get out of bed and then get frozen toes running to bathroom for a shower and then freezing after the water is turned off either.

"My husband said it was him or the cat...I miss him sometimes." - Unknown
local community covid cases
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Statistically, there seems more daily local community infections in work pass holders than SCs/SPRs. There seems to be also less SCs than PRs. I am...
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Statistically, there seems more daily local community infections in work pass holders than SCs/SPRs. There seems to be also less SCs than PRs.
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Last post by BigginHill
Wed, 24 Jun 2020 3:25 pm
New covid19 in community
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:( :( How did it happen...he's not helping..just when we thought the situation is better, he's starting it all over again...
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:( :( How did it happen...he's not helping..just when we thought the situation is better, he's starting it all over again...
Really unfortunate...
- 4 Replies
Last post by PNGMK
Fri, 27 Nov 2020 9:30 pm
May 1, 2021. Covid 19 community cases. What Happened?
Replies: 92
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What a difference in a few weeks. For many months Singapore was controlling community cases. The daily cases were imported ones coming through...
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I wonder if this means the government subsidies to those hotels will also drop in tandem? If it does, are we liable to see some 5* hotels...
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Mon, 24 May 2021 1:05 pm
Welcome to the Community!
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Hello everyone!
I'm excited to join this community and be part of the conversation. Whether you're here to share your experiences, ask questions, or...
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Bye-bye johansmith posting from a famous ISP in Pakistan known for it's spammers & trolls.
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Fri, 14 Feb 2025 2:35 am
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