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Post by Looklook » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:43 am

think dreamer is banned ?
not common for her to not reply or not post in 2 days.

forzeof1, yeah no1 knows la.
but roughly right?
eh, were those that got thru that bad?
So ure in too?
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Post by forzeof1 » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:49 am

Looklook wrote:think dreamer is banned ?
not common for her to not reply or not post in 2 days.

forzeof1, yeah no1 knows la.
but roughly right?
eh, were those that got thru that bad?
So ure in too?
well if they are bad they can be groomed.. thats what SIA is doin durin your trainin.. they groom stewards and stewardess. u will even be shock to listen to yourself the way you talk after 4 mths of training and the way you present yourself and communicate with ppl.. well SIA really do wonders..

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Post by Looklook » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:51 am


SIA iz da bezt. :)

I agree.

look at how much fans they generated, simply by lookin at this forum.
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Post by mayfair » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 1:05 am

Well during my group selection at the interview, it was apparent that the 3 that spoke in line with the topic given got in. The selected ones were certainly not the best looking. So the criteria was clear to me for the first round.

I agree with intrinsic dreamer that it is not nice to put others down, it sounds more sore than anything else.
But I think it is only human nature when people may feel that they are better than the rest and yet not selected. Its all a matter of perspective... I would say if you are not selected... move on..its not constructive to be critical.

Intrinsic dreamer, no offence but you do sound a little arrogant in your postings sometimes which may cause misunderstandings. Well the art of communication is indeed profound and we all learn from experiences.

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Post by estrella » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 1:40 am

forzeof1 wrote:
Looklook wrote:think dreamer is banned ?
not common for her to not reply or not post in 2 days.

forzeof1, yeah no1 knows la.
but roughly right?
eh, were those that got thru that bad?
So ure in too?
well if they are bad they can be groomed.. thats what SIA is doin durin your trainin.. they groom stewards and stewardess. u will even be shock to listen to yourself the way you talk after 4 mths of training and the way you present yourself and communicate with ppl.. well SIA really do wonders..
cool!!!!! i guess all this depends on luck..

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Post by M » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 8:17 am

Looklook wrote:think dreamer is banned ?
not common for her to not reply or not post in 2 days.
Yup, apparently she has been. She was asking me about it and I'm wondering why was she banned and if not, I hope she will be able to log in soon. Nevertheless, I have told her to send a complaint mail to the adminstrator. :)

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Post by emalf » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:37 pm

oops, sorry to confuse you Looklook. yeah that didnt make much sense, haha...

yup she didnt point fingers, but girls from another thread were left thinking "was she talking about me?" Not very nice eh?

my intention was just to help a younger member here understand the harsh realities of life especially in her chosen career path.

An analogy: If a new FSS talks back to a LS because she felt that the LS has been "zapping" another fellow FSS, it wont do her any good but to get singled out and zapped herself. In this industry, tolerance and humility are two crucial qualities.

Nevertheless, I dont feel that anything ID has done so far deserves a ban. Hope to see her back soon.

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Post by lindyhoppe » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 3:34 pm

Hmm i think everyone who posted here did not bear any offensive intensions. In fact, intrinsic dreamer, septemberr, mayfair, lynv and so on have made good posts that could serve as reminders to many FA-wannabes like myself. It would be interesting to observe this thread being replayed around at a conference table and talked out :P

If she's indeed banned i'd be surprised because she's been sharing a lot of her personal and inside information she got to find out, with us here. To a certain extent, forums need contributors like her to move on.

Anyway, septemberr, what did you mean by
its a self-competition. we r competing with other girls. im not saying the airlines are comparing us with all the other girls who apply.

The 1st statement contradicts with the 2nd, which contradicts with the 3rd. Care to clarify?

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Post by septemberrr » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 4:58 pm

im surprised w ur qns bc it doesnt contradicts at all.

self-competition means a person who takes eg. this interview as a competition (whatever comparision he/she decides to compare against him/herself against the others). we all do compare ourselves at some point of time. esp. when we r awaiting for the results, 'im worried.. i think i may not get into the next round because the other girls were much more confident etc..' this is just one example.

and this has totally nothing to do with the airlines' recruitment. they access us individually; not through comparison with the other applicants.

anyway, this is just an open platform for general discussions, not to pin-point. if there's a need to raise concerns, there is always Private Messaging (PM), yea?

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:44 pm


I am back!! :)

And i WAS banned!!
Hmm... Guess the moderator was unhappy wif me. :(

Anyway, I'm so SORRY for causing such a controversial topic!!
When i first started this thread, i seriously didn't expect anyone to reply!! Haha... :)

But still, i'm really sorry if i didn't put wad i wanna say across properly.
septemberr, didn't mean to make u upset or offend u!! :(

Thanks emalf, lindyhoppe & looklook :)

Mayfair, sorry if i sound arrogant or proud or anything.
I really am not and maybe i shouldn't type so much things next tym.
Haha, the art of typing in words to express what u wanna say in what tone is harder yeah!!

And lastly M, thanks so much!!! I'd die if u didn't help me! :)
U're the best senior!

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:03 am

Plavt wrote:
Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:OMG!!!

I am back!! :)

And i WAS banned!!
There was nothing wrong with your posts just what happened with your account is a mystery as you know by my PM - thinks we have gremlins? :???: :???

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:11 am

Yeah, as u can refer to my PM,


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Post by Looklook » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 1:03 am

welcum back dreamer!
hope nothing goes wrong for u again.

anyway lindyhoppe, i agree with u. i was surprised she is banned. like wad another gal say in another thread, she dun sound offensive at all to me, too. anyway, its over.

lindyhoppe, i still agree wif u on 1 thing.
septemberr seems to have a lil contradiction in that sentence of hers.

if its self-competition, we wuld be competing with ourselves. not other gurls. ur last post makes sense but in ur 2nd last post, the 2nd sentence doesnt make sense.

anw it is a self competiton la.

lets ask plavt, eng very good. lol
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Post by lindyhoppe » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 2:10 am

Uh? I didn't mean to pin-point anything. I was genuinely confused by your statement so I asked. And yup, i agree with it - that's exactly why sometimes we see 6 out of 10 getting thru, sometimes none. I think you meant something like a self-challenge.

Thanks for clarifying anyway.
septemberrr wrote:im surprised w ur qns bc it doesnt contradicts at all.

self-competition means a person who takes eg. this interview as a competition (whatever comparision he/she decides to compare against him/herself against the others). we all do compare ourselves at some point of time. esp. when we r awaiting for the results, 'im worried.. i think i may not get into the next round because the other girls were much more confident etc..' this is just one example.

and this has totally nothing to do with the airlines' recruitment. they access us individually; not through comparison with the other applicants.

anyway, this is just an open platform for general discussions, not to pin-point. if there's a need to raise concerns, there is always Private Messaging (PM), yea?

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Post by septemberrr » Sat, 07 Apr 2007 8:58 am

hmmm ya, maybe it shd be a self-challenge instead. me and my limited english.

anywayyyy, i think everything is fine now. and everybody's happy. haha. can delete this thread la..

dreamer: no prob. must continue to share ur experiences with us under the SIA thread when u've started training okie? okay pokeyyyy :wink:

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