feistynOt wrote:camperboy, theknees, komi:
Thank you all for ur kind replies/suggestions. Honestly, d'u think they r actually gonna entertain since they've got like hundreds of applicants? Plus they've made it so clear and in bold:
Kindly confirm your attendance by replying to this email before 17April 2007. If we have not received a reply by this deadline, your appointment slot may be allocated to another candidate. We regret we are unable to offer alternative interview dates or times. We ask that you do not email or telephone any Cathay Pacific office as they cannot provide assistance.
They emailed me on the 16th at 545pm and i had to reply their mail before 17th (less than a day)!!? I'm feelin kinda upset cos i did actually chk my mail the same day, but ard 11-ish am. *sigh*
well, it does say "If we have not received a reply by this deadline, your appointment slot
may be allocated to another candidate."
so you could always try emailing them explain that you were unable to access the internet or something, express that you still would like to attend the interview, and ask if your slot is still available. its worth a shot. you never know yea. they might not have given up your slot to someone else yet.