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distance to american school from holland village?

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distance to american school from holland village?

Post by Anagha » Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:30 pm

Wow, after looking into schools we've been shocked at the waiting lists! We are always so particular about finding good schooling for our son but it seems our hands are tied to a few options in Singapore.

Can anyone tell me how long my sons commute would be from the Holland Village area if he were to attend the american school?

Also, any feedback at all on this school? Anyone have children that go there? So far it is the ONLY school we can get him into.

Thank you!

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Post by skye » Tue, 27 Mar 2007 1:39 pm

No first hand experience but it has a very good reputation for academics and after-school activities and friends whose kids go there are very happy with it. Only downside is the distance from town, but the pay off for that is that the SAS has a large campus with modern school buildings and very good sports facilities. When we lived in a condo near Holland Village, the SAS bus picked the kids up at 7:15. My kids' school which was much closer (Buona Vista area near Holland Village) were picked up at the same time. Kids from SAS live all over the island and the bus service is pretty efficient. Once the bus fills up in one locality, it goes straight to school so travel time is kept down as much as possible.

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bus to SAS

Post by nutriarat » Tue, 27 Mar 2007 6:23 pm

You are probably looking at a 45 minute bus ride. Both of my children attend SAS and ride the bus. The school is phenomenal and the company which runs the buses is very professional, easy to communicate with and always appears to me to be focused on providing safe travel for the children to and from school. My 3 year old rides the bus to the preschool at SAS which caused me much angst in the beginning but has turned out to be a non issue-he loves it!

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