Splatted wrote:I'm interested in finding out what sort of cable is used by Starhub.
Second question I want to ask is whether cable boxes from any other country are compatible with Starhub.
Essentially I'm thinking of buying a DVR set-top box, but I think the current ones on offer by starhub are a major ripoff, and don't offer many features.
You wont be able to use cable boxes from other countries as the current boxes use a customised encrypted chip card.
With the original boxes Star hub provided there were some "china" copy boxes that had a eprom chip that could be swapped as and when they changed the encryption but these no longer work.
I wouldn't buy the Star hub Set top DVR either. Much better off with a stand alone DVR or a PC with a vivo card ( vid in vid out)and MS media Centre operating system.
Good luck