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Post by M » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:27 pm

zcarina wrote:well, i juz feel that different grp of interviewers have diff kinds of criteria..besides there are 2 grps of interviewers for grp interviews.. if u r really interested, why can't u queue again?? :roll: the person who queues again, do have to wait another time, go thru the previous rounds... I don't know if that is allowable.. so juz asking :?
but after all it is because he/she really wants to get in.. sorry, but honestly speaking, i do not think that will deprive others of their, if those others are really wat SIA is looking for...

well, interview day is drawing nearer n nearer...
haha.. hey gals, hair mask, face mask, drink more water n mostly importantly rest well!! good luck!!
You will be depriving others of an opportunity for the day. Just imagine what will happen if you face the same interviewers again?

Even though it isn't stated that applicants cannot try again on the same day but it's commonly known that you will not be allowed. Probably I will check with the HR for clarifications. :)

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Post by 12345 » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:40 pm

zcarina wrote:
caryssa wrote:
RaMz wrote:hello ppl! i'm pretty new here. i've just got a question.
but before that, i'm a malaysian, male, 19 with SPM qualifications and pretty much planning to apply. seriously haven't had much guidance about what do the males have to go through as most of the replies are all for the females. anyone who've gone through the selection stages mind enlightening me what to expect? thanks in advance!
well,im from malaysia oso..but im a girl..haha..i think wht u hav 2 do is bring ur spm least v 2 credits in eng and the other if im not wrong..correct me if im wrong ya..well,the process r the same as for the stewardess..but the only thing tht makes the difference is u dun hav 2 go through a kebaya fitting..haha :P since u r only 19, make sure tht u can convince thm tht u r qualified n matured enuf 2 b a steward v SIA.. :wink:
well, i have heard that interviews for Malaysians in Malaysia, do not have the kebaya round.. so the girls went thru the same stages as the guys..... sounds so great!! besides, in Singapore, kebaya round is the killer round... I have no idea why was there such a difference.. can they pls go away witht he kebaya round in Singapore instead??? plsssssssss hahahahahaa
Hi zcarina!

FYI, there's the kebaya round for interviews conducted here in M'sia as well. And it's also a major killer round. Both of my uni frens who went got booted out during kebaya, NO WORRIES. No difference at all btwn interviews in Singapore and M'sia :)

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Post by caryssa » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:55 pm

zcarina wrote:
caryssa wrote:
RaMz wrote:hello ppl! i'm pretty new here. i've just got a question.
but before that, i'm a malaysian, male, 19 with SPM qualifications and pretty much planning to apply. seriously haven't had much guidance about what do the males have to go through as most of the replies are all for the females. anyone who've gone through the selection stages mind enlightening me what to expect? thanks in advance!
well,im from malaysia oso..but im a girl..haha..i think wht u hav 2 do is bring ur spm least v 2 credits in eng and the other if im not wrong..correct me if im wrong ya..well,the process r the same as for the stewardess..but the only thing tht makes the difference is u dun hav 2 go through a kebaya fitting..haha :P since u r only 19, make sure tht u can convince thm tht u r qualified n matured enuf 2 b a steward v SIA.. :wink:
well, i have heard that interviews for Malaysians in Malaysia, do not have the kebaya round.. so the girls went thru the same stages as the guys..... sounds so great!! besides, in Singapore, kebaya round is the killer round... I have no idea why was there such a difference.. can they pls go away witht he kebaya round in Singapore instead??? plsssssssss hahahahahaa
NAH..thr r kebaya round..i knew coz i had 2 go 4 the kabaya round oso last time in,the kebaya round is compulsary for girls..ntg v can do.. :roll:

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 4:22 pm

A killer round it may be but its good. :-|

It gives those who failed there a chance to know that their posture isn't good.

Maintaining a good posture is REALLLY impt.

NOT JUST for the interview but for the future!!

PPl who slouch have a higher tendency of getting health problems like Arthritis & back ailments when they are older!!!


Take care of ur spine!! :D

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Post by zcarina » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 6:00 pm

caryssa wrote:
zcarina wrote:
caryssa wrote: well,im from malaysia oso..but im a girl..haha..i think wht u hav 2 do is bring ur spm least v 2 credits in eng and the other if im not wrong..correct me if im wrong ya..well,the process r the same as for the stewardess..but the only thing tht makes the difference is u dun hav 2 go through a kebaya fitting..haha :P since u r only 19, make sure tht u can convince thm tht u r qualified n matured enuf 2 b a steward v SIA.. :wink:
well, i have heard that interviews for Malaysians in Malaysia, do not have the kebaya round.. so the girls went thru the same stages as the guys..... sounds so great!! besides, in Singapore, kebaya round is the killer round... I have no idea why was there such a difference.. can they pls go away witht he kebaya round in Singapore instead??? plsssssssss hahahahahaa
NAH..thr r kebaya round..i knew coz i had 2 go 4 the kabaya round oso last time in,the kebaya round is compulsary for girls..ntg v can do.. :roll:
izit?? well i have Malaysian frzs who went in without going thru the kebaya round... hmm.. how can some need to go thru the kebaya round and some don't?? so unfair!! :x

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Post by zcarina » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 6:02 pm

M wrote:
zcarina wrote:well, i juz feel that different grp of interviewers have diff kinds of criteria..besides there are 2 grps of interviewers for grp interviews.. if u r really interested, why can't u queue again?? :roll: the person who queues again, do have to wait another time, go thru the previous rounds... I don't know if that is allowable.. so juz asking :?
but after all it is because he/she really wants to get in.. sorry, but honestly speaking, i do not think that will deprive others of their, if those others are really wat SIA is looking for...

well, interview day is drawing nearer n nearer...
haha.. hey gals, hair mask, face mask, drink more water n mostly importantly rest well!! good luck!!
You will be depriving others of an opportunity for the day. Just imagine what will happen if you face the same interviewers again?

Even though it isn't stated that applicants cannot try again on the same day but it's commonly known that you will not be allowed. Probably I will check with the HR for clarifications. :)
great!! think its best to check with the HR..more relaible ba... but if u can't queue on the same day, can we go for the recruitement on the 2nd day if we failed the 1st day??? :roll:

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Post by onee » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 6:32 pm

zcarina wrote:
M wrote:
zcarina wrote:well, i juz feel that different grp of interviewers have diff kinds of criteria..besides there are 2 grps of interviewers for grp interviews.. if u r really interested, why can't u queue again?? :roll: the person who queues again, do have to wait another time, go thru the previous rounds... I don't know if that is allowable.. so juz asking :?
but after all it is because he/she really wants to get in.. sorry, but honestly speaking, i do not think that will deprive others of their, if those others are really wat SIA is looking for...

well, interview day is drawing nearer n nearer...
haha.. hey gals, hair mask, face mask, drink more water n mostly importantly rest well!! good luck!!
You will be depriving others of an opportunity for the day. Just imagine what will happen if you face the same interviewers again?

Even though it isn't stated that applicants cannot try again on the same day but it's commonly known that you will not be allowed. Probably I will check with the HR for clarifications. :)
great!! think its best to check with the HR..more relaible ba... but if u can't queue on the same day, can we go for the recruitement on the 2nd day if we failed the 1st day??? :roll:
from my pt of view, i doubt its possible
cos i remember reading one thread long ago, that theres this guy who failed for e 1st day, and went to queue for e 2 nd day.

once it reaches his turn, e HR ppl rejected him, telling him that its unfair, and ive a record of u coming yesterday thingy.

remember, SIA HR has e records of e times u went to e interview, even remarks of your interview process.

good luck to those trying for e interview on e 21st n 22nd! :D


Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:45 pm


If u try again, u'd be so frightened and self-conscious.

U'd look around everywhere to see if anyone's looking at u wif a hint that u look familiar.

LOL. :lol: :lol:


Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:58 pm

Anyway, I pray that NO one heres ever has to go again for another try ok?

That u'll all be in successfully. :D

Don't ever belittle and look down on yourself, gurls AND guys.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by gloss » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:02 am

that's really encouraging intrinsic dreamer!! its really nice having u to cheer us on!

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Post by fizus » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:08 am

am slogging over my term paper... ugh.

have been stretching everyday in attempt to become taller but the thought hit me that if you're not tall enough, that's it. it doesn't matter if you have what it takes, the personality, customer service excellence, etcetc. if you're not tall enough, you can't be a cabin crew.

quite depressing come to think of it. haha.

okay i think the exam mugging is getting to me. all the best to everyone going! 12 days to go!! :D

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Post by gloss » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:11 am

haha i have a test tml fizus..

work hard!! :shock:

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Post by caryssa » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:13 am

haha..y every1 is having their test?mine is having my exam sem is my final year..yeah..cnt :P wait 2 grad d..haha..(dreaming)

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Post by fizus » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:14 am

thanks gloss! and what module is that, so late into semester still having tests??? eurgh. all the bestest!

intrinsic, about how long was your self- introduction? in terms of time i mean. did they guide you with questions, tell you to stop, or did you just go on and on? is it an average of about 2 minutes per person? i'm worried i might ramble on and on and totally go off- topic. if there is one to begin with. haha.

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:30 am

Haha. Gloss, I was once feeling how u all felt!!
Scared and all. :)


Well, i rambled on.

I rambleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed on.

dunno why but i just felt like talking.

They just said "Hello. When it is your turn, give us a short intoduction about urself and your hobby or any other thing u want us to know"

Well, i spoke for like over 2mins.

I think i spoke for bout 4mins.
Was the longest la. :oops:

And wehn i went into the room, was the 1st to sit too. EVERYONE was standing can!! So embarrassed. Stood up immediately. :lol:

They didn't tell me to stop. Merely smiled and nodded and laughed afew tyms at what i said.

They looked at me, at all of us, from head to toe couple of tyms too. :)

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