iammyy... are your parents' words the be all ends all? i'm sure there's a way to compromise, it is after all, your life we're talking about here. if what you want is to fly, why not fly not and pursue that degree later?iammyy wrote:sigh.i may not be going afterall.
was intending to try out for SIA after getting my dip results.
now my parents would rather i obtain my degree before i work -.-
true enough,a dumb piece of paper is so important in singapore esp when your flying career don't exacly seems lasting.
i guess i can only try after my degree.hope by then i'm not too old =(
good luck for all who's trying !! hope to hear some good news and exciting details from your interviews !! =)
SIA Cabin Crew industry is not eternal, but you can always pursue your degree after a few years of flying. if you're thrifty, you could save up and pursue a degree at a better university too.

that said, follow your heart. and try and talk it out with your parents. i'm sure if they see this is what you really want, they'd be more than happy to allow you to pursue it. they want what's best for you after all.
xmischax; yeah, i am very likely going. still at a loss as to what to wear. urgh. so frustrating. don't want to look too dull in office wear, but at the same time need to maintain a degree of respect for the employers.