There are some pubs here.. You would probably go rather often when you first settle down here, but ... once you've worked here long enough, every time u head down to the club, you see the SAME OLD PEOPLE .. that after awhile .. well, if you're single .. you know .. fresh blood is always good .. hehe..
but then .. when u do start making really good friends here, things are different, it don't matter which club is more happening, as long as all of you are spending time together, thats all that matters.
for those coming over soon. frankly, as much as its always good to have your fellow singaporeans around, don't limit yourself. you'd be amazed at what you can learn from different people, different cultures.. my best friend is romanian and even though they are really tough cookies to handle, but once you understand their backgrd, you do learn to hve respect for them .. and there's so much you can learn. We've got it really easy in Singapore.. Some of the other nationalities ain't so lucky, but when you see how well (some of them) they carry themselves, and the positive attitude and the independent streak and their survival instincts.. trust me... its pretty inspirational .
As screwed up as QR may sound to alot of people, if you learn how to gain positive experiences from all the silly bad ones that happen around you, you'll never wanna leave.

I'm still here. I miss Singapore, I will forever be Singaporean. But, my adventure hasn't ended coz there's soo much more out there to explore and learn .