Singapore Expats

Qatar Airways recuitment on 25th of March

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Post by cutiebabe » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 3:13 pm

Hi Senzen,

I don't think i cant make it on that day, but on open house they said we can have max 1 & 1/2 month to prepare rite..i think no matter how have to wait her to call 1st then arrange again. How much of the medical checkup?

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When is the next recruitment for Qatar?

Post by Funky_Punk » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 4:49 pm

Hi there,

anyone knows when is the next recruitment for Qatar?

Thanks alot..

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Post by septemberrr » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 4:49 pm

ya, i think just wait for serlina to email us first. because its so weird that we do not have a hard copy of the employment letter!! haha!! ok, i just did my medical checkup too... rush here n there.. almost fainted...

and the most ridiculous thing happened ok...

i didnt know i must receive serlina's letter first before confirming with avina so i confirmed with avina on the date (28th apr) and she acknowledged it!! OMG! does tt mean im flying on the 28th?! shiiiit......

i hope serlina will email or call us ASAP.... im dying from panic.......


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Re: When is the next recruitment for Qatar?

Post by septemberrr » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 4:50 pm

Funky_Punk wrote:Hi there,

anyone knows when is the next recruitment for Qatar?
i think its in 2-3 months... thats what they told us during the open house... =)

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Post by septemberrr » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 8:25 pm

caryssa: yea man! hope more singaporeans will join so we can take care of one another!!

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Post by desijoey » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 9:17 pm

Hi girls!Congrats to those who have made it thru!So girls will be going to Doha...someone mentioned that Qatar will take your height?Coz I checked their website and they just said 212cm arm reach. :???:

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Post by qatarbabe » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 9:22 pm

Its all really exciting but please don't forget to inform the ministry of foreign affairs of your pending move ok & if possible, once you've settled in, let them know again of any local mobile / home numbers that you've gotten.. Its for your own safety as we've yet to establish an embassy here. :)

Its good that you all have a sense of unity .. Please never forget it ok. Even when you're flying.. Some times, your friends are all you've got when it gets lonely here. :) Please be careful also.

Remember, this isn't Singapore.. please do not pack the wrong type of clothes.. and get a GOOD haircut before you go .. They do not know how to cut asian's hair here..

ALSO.. bring extra cash in US Dollars.. It'll never be enough.. hehehehe..

Other than that, ENJOY!

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Post by lindyhoppe » Tue, 10 Apr 2007 10:39 pm

Hey girls... Congrats!!! Really happy for you all! Post more tips and insights about how you got through and your observations during the interview rounds... help the rest here! :P And you'all can go over and say hi to qatarbabe too... haha :)

Oh senzen you're finishing in a month's time.. so which poly/uni are you at? Cool... flying's gonna be your first job! What about the rest... how do you all intend to hand in that resignation letter... :(

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Post by cutiebabe » Wed, 11 Apr 2007 1:46 pm

qatarbabe wrote:Its all really exciting but please don't forget to inform the ministry of foreign affairs of your pending move ok & if possible, once
ALSO.. bring extra cash in US Dollars.. It'll never be enough.. hehehehe..

Other than that, ENJOY!
Qatarbabe, how much of the allowence for long haul flight? Tot tat Qatar will give us some $ once we arrive and will have a hamper as well, isit enough for us? Wat else we need to prepapre?

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Post by senzen » Wed, 11 Apr 2007 7:32 pm

Has anyone received the email from Serlina yet? Qatarbabe, are we supposed to email or fax our medical reports to the HR people in Qatar or bring it to the Singapore's office when we go collect our employment offer? And also, my mom is asking about how often do we singaporeans get flights to singapore? About a rough gauge? Monthly or once every two months or less?

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Post by qatarbabe » Wed, 11 Apr 2007 8:03 pm

When you guys arrive, you'll get a nice little hamper with basic food stuff and toilet paper etc (just in case you guys decide not to go out..) + a starting amount (which will be deducted from your pay later on).. Of course, for those lucky few who get to live in spanking brand new apartments, you guys might like to go out and buy stuff for the house like cleaning stuff or more food. There's a Carrefour there so no worries, just remember to ask the housing / welfare lady how to tell the cab drivers to drive you back to your accommodations as these taxi drivers ARE SO DAMN CLUELESS!! The reason why i suggest USD$1000 is simply because you wouldn't be getting that much during your training (just the basic), and for those who cannot seem to save $$, well its good to have some spare.. coz once training ends, and when you first start flying, you'll need $$... We are not like Emirates, we don't give allowances upfront during the layover, what we do is calculate everything and give you a lump sum at the end of each month..

Allowances on layovers differ depending on destinations. so I really can't tell you.. but its survivable la.

As for flights back to Singapore.. I'm sorry.. If you have been reading this forum from its conception, you'd know that unless you're malay or indian singaporean, i can't promise you a flight home.. Because the Singapore constitution states MALAY as our national language, so unless you speak malay, I'm afraid you might have to tell your mum to fly down to CHINA instead to visit you. If you are lucky, you might get 1 flight every 6 months.. i've got a friend who hasn't gone home in 1 yr .. and i waited 10 months before I got my first Singapore..

As for your medicals, I brought it ALL along with me to DOHA (with photocopies of it as well) but if they ask you to bring it to the office, then follow that instruction .. BUT PLEASE bring photocopies of it with you to DOHA.. bring photocopies of EVERYTHING if you don't feel safe bringing the originals.. People tend to lose things over here. :)

Hope this info helps. :)

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Post by septemberrr » Wed, 11 Apr 2007 8:35 pm

All your info helps, qatarbabe. =) So, that USD1k u advise us to bring is basically for our one month of survival there... now i get the picture. it is just like we pay with our own money, collect the receipt (in sg terms, haha) and then get reimbursed (with our end of month pay), right?

- there r certain taxis that r not reliable right, like the orange and white taxis. which taxis shd we take? r the limousines expensive?
- do we get to choose our roommate? or do they allocate roomates for us regardless whether we travel w some ple we know from our final interview?
- are we able to wear shorts around our accomodation? and are we able to visit the gym in shorts?
- if we walk on the streets, are we allowed to wear 3/4 shorts and open-toe shoes?
- the attachment told us to bring extra bed linen. it sounds v funny! is it necessary?

i guess these r the questions tt most of us would be interested to know, so im tagging qatarbabe here. =) qatarbabe, did u fly to doha with the other girls and guys from singapore as well? was there any qatar representative to meet u in sg to bring u to doha?

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Post by qatarbabe » Wed, 11 Apr 2007 9:15 pm

Err.. The allowances for layovers are not reimbursements.. there's a set amount per station, so what they do is based on the no. of days u spend there, they'll give you a breakfast, lunch and/or dinner allowance.. but it only comes to you at the end of the month. calculations are done from the 15th to the 14th of the nxt mth.. the USD is for your own personal expenditure esp during layovers coz sometimes your 1st mth paycheck is simply not enough..

The taxis here are generally not reliable. Orange taxis are cheap (but must make sure to remind them to switch on the meter) but best to travel in them if you are with a grp of friends. The green Karwa taxis are like Singapore taxis .. unfortunately, these guys are probably as new as you are and prob don't know the roads as well.. But if you go to standard places, they shdn't be that lost..
The private taxis are those which, well.. you will get to know along the way thru recommendations from other crew..
BUT NOTE: if you are going to work in UNIFORM, please make sure these private TAXIs do not stop you tooooo close to the office or technical building (where we report for flight).. simply becoz there is a rule here where NO MEN are allowed to drop a FEMALE employee to work UNLESS its a husband or brother.. And no one knows who the private taxi drivers are, so you can't prove anything if you get caught.

NOTE: DO NOT TAKE A STRANGER'S CAR even if they claim to be private TAXIs .. some of these men just wanna get girls .. I'm NOT KIDDING..

The limousines from the hotels / airports are expensive but MOST RELIABLE.. so its your personal choice.

As for accommodation, you cannot choose your roommates.. but if you are all moving to a NEW accommodation, you can try talking nicely to the housing / welfare officer to ask if you guys can live together.. if not .. just pray damn hard..

Some accommodations have gyms.. so if you get those, wearing shorts around the accommodation is fine (as long as not in public .. its at your own risk ah!).. Better to wear 3/4 (capri pants), go to the gym (if its outside your accommodation) then change.

**** Girls who wear nice short, cleavage showing stuff are really doing it at their own risks coz if anything were to happen to you and even if you call the cops and the office, the first thing they ask you is "WHAT WERE YOU WEARING" .. Its a muslim country to begin with and you guys know the rules .. so they won't support you if you break them.

Extra bed linen .. well, they only give you 1 set .. and some girls are plain fussy.. and wats more .. if you are moving in to an old accommodation, they probably didn't change the mattress (enough said).. :?

I flew from SG to DOHA with another Singaporean girl who became my flat mate (i was damn lucky) there was no rep in SG but the moment you get to DOHA, you'll notice someone with the QR logo or just someone who seems to b searching for people .. its usually a female ..

Hmmm.. ok .. lets see, what else..

For those who love to party, don't worry la.. there are one or two clubs around here.. its not like Singapore but enough to kill the cravings.. BUT note: Please only party on Thurs nite (which is the wkend here.. THURS = FRI, FRI = SUN, SAT = SAT here.. the weekends here are only technically once a week .. SAT to THURS)

** This place does have their "spies" .. And if you guys wanna dress up fancy and skimpy .. cover it up with a nice long shawl first and remove later when u get to the club and make sure you cover again when you head home okie.. Its a little tip**

OK .. let me know if you need anything else. :)

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Post by Funky_Punk » Thu, 12 Apr 2007 8:41 am

Hi qatarbabe,

all the restrictions you mentioned apply only to girls right?

How about the guys? Can we wear anything we want in DOHA?

Another question here. On the average, how many days a month will we be in DOHA? I mean off days where you are not flying and staying in DOHA.. Can we choose to travel overseas during off-days?

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Post by qatarbabe » Thu, 12 Apr 2007 12:05 pm


the 10pm curfew still applies of course. You aren't allowed to have any visitors after 10pm..

As for dressing, how scantily clad can a guy get? BUT, i do have to warn you though.. ermmm.. you are still in a muslim country & can still attract unwanted attention. Just be careful, thats all I can say without getting into trouble.

If you are lucky to have a damn good roster with layovers only, then you might only be in Doha 6 -10 days. If you have a bad roster with only turn around flights.. You may be in Doha much longer than that.

As for travelling overseas on ur days off. Its at your own risk. You need to be back MINIMUM 12 hours before you go on your next flight. You need to do a thumb print scan each time you re-enter the country. This scan will record your entry back into the country and if its less than 12 hours to your next operating flight, you'll b called into the office. :)

Normally, most crew will have at the most 3 straight days off in a row, this of course will allow you to travel...

NOTE: You will most likely travel on discounted airfare tickets, which means you are considered SUB LOAD staff. For QR, commercial passengers come first. SO, if the flight is full, and you are the most junior amongst the other cabin crew who may be fighting for that same flight, YOU WOULD PROBABLY get BUMPED OFF the flight....... AND if because of that, you come back into the country less than 12 hours b4 your next operating flight or if you MISS your operating flight ENTIRELY, it will result in disciplinary actions...

Like I've mentioned before, all these rules came about because of some highly irresponsible crew. At the end of the day, QR are your sponsors into this country. Should anything happen, they will be held responsible & their reputation in turn cld be tarnished. It may not seem fair on a human rights level, but try to understand it from their perspective as well.. If we just learn to work within the rules or at least NEVER get caught for it, we'll b fine. :wink:

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