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good news for CX fans, newly cabin crew base in SG late 07

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Post by 12345 » Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:50 am

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:Hmm...

I dunno of anyone like that.

All I know is that during my walk-in,
There were gurls trying their 3rd, 5th & 8th tym alr.

I was the only gurl there on my first try.

How come u guys have such a long ban? Until which round were u eliminateD?
Wat???!!! 3rd, 5th and 8th time??? WOW...these gurls are really determined man! How was the turnout for the walk-in interview dat day?

Well, it should be SIA's policy whereby any unsuccessful candidate should not re-apply within 6 months. I was eliminated at the mgt dat was a REAL BIG fall. So near yet so far..........

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:38 am

That day has 3 rounds being conducted at he hotel.

Originally there were 700+ ppl.

When it wwas my turn to go for my 3rd round that day, the place was practically empty..

I guess there should be at most, 80 left. YEah..

Hmm, if one fails the management, must be banned for 6 months.
Oh wells. Don't give up!! :D :D

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Post by fly » Fri, 23 Mar 2007 3:52 pm

hi ahh_tiff,

u said that CX going to open a new cabin crew in singapore later this year.

so far u know the date not?

how about for open a new cabin crew in malaysia?


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Post by 12345 » Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:26 am

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:That day has 3 rounds being conducted at he hotel.

Originally there were 700+ ppl.

When it wwas my turn to go for my 3rd round that day, the place was practically empty..

I guess there should be at most, 80 left. YEah..

Hmm, if one fails the management, must be banned for 6 months.
Oh wells. Don't give up!! :D :D
Hehe...also the same scenario back here in kl. The only difference is that there weren't as many as 700+ ppl coz it was a closed interview, not a walk-in one.

Later in the afternoon, when it was time for the water confidence was all quiet already.

I think the ban applies to all rounds...not only the mgt round. Even if it's the group interview, one has to wait for 6 months too. Well, i'll try to stay positive n hopeful, just like u. I can tell u r a very positive and optimistic person...dats really good! :)

So, mgt is drawing close huh? Gotten ur attire ready??? :lol: Oh, u mean they actually grp u all according to ur availability? (i read from the other thread...hehe). So there were only 8 of u who can start training immediately?

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:49 am


The incharge told asked us who was very available to sign up for the earlier management date.

Yeah, and she called my group that! haha..

So cute. :lol:

Wa, not bad ah! Read all the threads. :lol:

But in spore, other thn the management rounds, there isn't a ban.

But our form has a qn that asks if we had applied for anything related to SIA before. Haha..

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Re: good news for CX fans, newly cabin crew base in SG late

Post by ryanstarr » Sat, 24 Mar 2007 4:08 pm

ahh_tiff wrote:hi ppl, this info just released todae in intranet, good news for the one who interested in CPA ;)

quote from intraCX

Singapore Cabin Crew Base
14 Mar 2007

ISD is very pleased to announce the opening a new cabin crew base in Singapore later this year. This decision has been made based on the cost savings and high operational and service standards that we expect this base to achieve, in line with those of our existing bases.

Opening new bases is an excellent way for us to grow profitably by increasing productivity and reducing costs. Despite adding new bases, however, the majority of our future recruitment is still planned for Hong Kong and Hong Kong crew and in particular Hong Kong based SIN crew will continue to operate a substantial portion of Singapore flights.

We will be inviting applications for cabin crew in Singapore. Similar to our other bases, applications will be open to cabin crew from all bases worldwide and crew will be able to apply for positions one category higher than their current position – in other words this is a great promotional opportunity for those who can meet the criteria. In addition, we will be recruiting staff for the Singapore base office; a Base Executive and Base Co-ordinator. A Q&A will follow when we open applications for both the cabin crew and base office positions.

We look forward to your support in making the Singapore base a success.

Peter Langslow
Hi there...thanks for the tip. Where do ex-SQ cabin crew go? Everywhere, I guess...perhaps I can try out for CX. Must be able to speak Cantonese or not? Haha...
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Post by lindylim » Tue, 27 Mar 2007 4:12 pm

wonder when is the date... my friend in CX also told me that... wondering wondering...

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Post by 12345 » Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:39 am

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:Haha.

The incharge told asked us who was very available to sign up for the earlier management date.

Yeah, and she called my group that! haha..

So cute. :lol:

Wa, not bad ah! Read all the threads. :lol:

But in spore, other thn the management rounds, there isn't a ban.

But our form has a qn that asks if we had applied for anything related to SIA before. Haha..
OMG...congrats Intrinsic Dreamer!!!!!!!! Sorry havent been catching up lately...was kinda busy. U must be soooo happy now...haha! So how did ur group of 8 fare? Wats the success rate like?

Wow, u've done many part-time jobs b4? Dats interesting...mostly in restaurants? Oh, care to share how did u answer on the question bout wat customers are unhappy with u n stuff??? :lol:

So how many ppl interviewed u dat day? A man and a lady? Hehe...goodness, i'm so excited n asking u too many questions :lol: :lol:
Anyways, congrats again! :D

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Post by remco » Wed, 28 Mar 2007 1:06 am

do cx recruit indians as well for cabin crew....well i am in singapore for more than a year and desire to work for airlines

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Post by 12345 » Wed, 28 Mar 2007 1:10 am

lindylim wrote:wonder when is the date... my friend in CX also told me that... wondering wondering...
Hi there!

Ur fren is working in CX as a cabin crew as well? Did he/she elaborate more bout the new base in singapore??? :) THanks!

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:21 pm

Hi 12345!!

Yeah, i havent seen u here in a long tym. :)

Yeah, u bet. I AM very happy. :lol: :lol:
Summore I'm the youngest to get in. How can i not be happy? :lol: :lol:

On that day, there were suddenly 14 girls.
It was a 50% CHOP-OFF.
So only 7 gurls made it.

Well. I didn't expect it. I didn't know it would be so harsh.. :shock:

Initially it was a man & a lady. BUt both of then suddenly had impts meetings So they were replaced by 2 ladies just in tym for my turn!! :)

I was scared, of course. LAdies were more strict and they knew what to look out for.
In addition, they knew how to look for what they were looking for UN-obviously. :D

My part-tym jobs?
I always work when I'm having school holidays and When i'm so bored during my weekends i would go to hotels to Do banquet. For Chinese wedding dinners and stuff. Haha..

I recently took on a customer service cum sales job too. HElped my company make $400 000 over in a month. :lol:

My interviewers were very nice ladies. :D
Last edited by Intrinsic Dreamer on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 12345 » Thu, 29 Mar 2007 12:55 am

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:Hi 12345!!

Yeah, i havent seen u here in a long tym. :)

Yeah, u bet. I AM very happy. :lol: :lol:
Summore I'm the youngest to get in. How can i not be happy? :lol: :lol:

On that day, there were suddenly 14 girls.
It was a 50% CHOP-OFF.
So only 7 gurls made it.

Well. I didn't expect it. I didn't know it would be so harsh.. :shock:

Initially it was a man & a lady. BUt both of then suddenly had impts meetings So they were replaced by 2 ladies just in tym for my turn!! :)

I was scared, of course. LAdies were more strict and they knew what to look out for.
In addition, they knew how to look for what they were looking for UN-obviously. :D

My part-tym jobs?
Yeah. I don't think its alot but they said "Wow, i see that u've had alot of part-tym jobs. Tell me more about them!!"
I always work when I'm having school holidays and When i'm so bored during my weekends i would go to hotels to Do banquet. For Chinese wedding dinners and stuff. Haha..

I recently took on a customer service cum sales job too. HElped my company make $400 000 over in a month. :lol:

At first I didn't expect them to ask me that question. But i had a feeling they would. Haha. U know, they might wanna know more about my weaknesses and stuff.

I told them:

"Personally i think i say 'yes' too easily. I agree to most of what my customers want me to do. I am quite forgetful & absent-minded sometimes so By accepting their many requests, I wasn't able to fufil their needs and what they really wanted me to do to the best of my abilities. When i don't live up to their expectations, they are unhappy with me."

They just nodded their head And smiled and stuff.
Then they asked me:
"So imagine u have 10 customers on ur list. U promised to help them, how are u going to deal with person number 10?"

I said:
"I believe that person number 10, he or she would have waited a very very long time for me to fufil his or her request.
I would first & definitely apologise profusely to him and make up to him by making sure again what he/she needs from me and i will make sure i get it done perfectly."

Then they smiled again.

Quite alright la. They were very nice ladies. :D
Yup...yup, they usually make a 50% chop-off rate n dats really scary coz we seriously dunno wat they are looking for! Hehe. Even during the interview in M'sia, only 8 out of 19 gurls made it. So all d 14 gurls in ur grp are from the "nothing on - can start immediately" grp??? Lolx!

:shock: Wow! R u serious?????? Gosh, u r seriously a shocker man, 400k in a month! I'm really beginning to feel that u r really one of those REAL BRIGHT n BRILLIANT ppl in society. It would be SIA's loss if they dun hire u! I'm serious... Plus u r sooo hardworking , u even work during weekends! MAn, i'm really speechless...u r too capable!!! =D> How do u come to know of all the vacancies in the hotels n stuff? U just walk in n ask?

Wah, the questions posted aren't easy lah...esp the one about causing customers feeling unhappy. But i think u handled it well, guess they were testing to see if u r honest with them coz it's a question that really forces a person to tell their weaknesses. Did they ask u if u do house chores and stuff? Or if u blog??? Haha! Some of the guys during my batch were asked those questions. Lolx!

Oh btw, is STC nearby Changi airport? How much is the rental for an apartment in Changi area roughly?? Just curious :) I'll be going to Singapore this coming Easter break...mite take a ride to Changi to have a look. U wouldn't believe me...i havent been to Changi actually in my entire life!!!!!!! :lol:

Anyways, congrats again n u r truly a STAR! N pls dun say u r not! :lol: :D

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Thu, 29 Mar 2007 1:27 am

Oh man. u know me so well.

i was gonna say I"M NOT A STAR until i read that u told me not to type it. :)

Yeah, the question wasn't easy. But i kinda expected it. But my frens & teachers think im quite quick-witted. I answered them in less than 2 secs. I think mainly becuz i didn't think of a lie to come up with. I told them wad i personally think is wrong with me.

They asked me bout the SPORE GIRL too. :)
But before they finished their qn, i began talkin alr. Haha. :lol:

Well. I think 400K is alot too. :D Its commission based.
My salary's quite little. Considering how much i made for the company.

But it may be the most amongst all the ppl my age earn after they come out from JC.
Its only $2000+ but i'm still happy. Quite an achievement. And I'm only 18. =)
They were quite shocked.

Hope i get more from SIA!! :)

When u have friend's whose cousins work at the hotel, they can intro u to such part-tym jobs.
I walked in at some hotels to ask too. Just ask like that.

Newspapers are a good source too. The Part-tym/temporary section.

I'll only work at anything related to customer service. Where i get to serve, interact, talk and meet new ppl.

ADMIN office jobs are a complete NO-NO to me. :shock:

I stay in CHangi. A 10min walk to STC. :)

Usually rental is probably $300-$400 a montH?

Ure malaysian. I believe u if u've never been to changi!! :D :D :D

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Post by 12345 » Fri, 30 Mar 2007 1:40 am

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:Oh man. u know me so well.

i was gonna say I"M NOT A STAR until i read that u told me not to type it. :)

Yeah, the question wasn't easy. But i kinda expected it. But my frens & teachers think im quite quick-witted. I answered them in less than 2 secs. I think mainly becuz i didn't think of a lie to come up with. I told them wad i personally think is wrong with me.

They asked me bout the SPORE GIRL too. :)
But before they finished their qn, i began talkin alr. Haha. :lol:

Well. I think 400K is alot too. :D Its commission based.
My salary's quite little. Considering how much i made for the company.

But it may be the most amongst all the ppl my age earn after they come out from JC.
Its only $2000+ but i'm still happy. Quite an achievement. And I'm only 18. =)
They were quite shocked.

Hope i get more from SIA!! :)

When u have friend's whose cousins work at the hotel, they can intro u to such part-tym jobs.
I walked in at some hotels to ask too. Just ask like that.

Newspapers are a good source too. The Part-tym/temporary section.

I'll only work at anything related to customer service. Where i get to serve, interact, talk and meet new ppl.

ADMIN office jobs are a complete NO-NO to me. :shock:

I stay in CHangi. A 10min walk to STC. :)

Usually rental is probably $300-$400 a montH?

Ure malaysian. I believe u if u've never been to changi!! :D :D :D
Yup, u're bubbly and quick-witted! I guess that's the reason y u really impressed the interviewers. Haha! Plus, like i said, after looking at ur working experience...they would be making a BIG mistake if they dun hire u :) Now the biggest question about u is how do u look like! :lol: :lol: I know u r tall...the rest i still cant figure it out just yet. Haha! It's difficult to match a person's face thru his/her personality...

Hey, $2000+ is already very good lah for a part-time job. But i'm sure u'll definitely get more from SIA :lol: :lol: Actually, did u already have the plan in mind to become a stewardess from the very beginning and that is why u're aiming at service-line job? Or it's just pure interest? jobs could be fun too. U'll never know till u try it out? U still can mingle with ur colleagues and stuff :wink:

Oh, dats near! So u'll walk to training everyday??? N wat does STC stand for btw? I know its sumthing Training Centre :lol: Rental $300-$400 a month, now that's for the ENTIRE apartment or just a ROOM????? Hehe...
I must seriously take a look at it this time round, since it's been recently voted Best Airport in the world again. So it's a must see i guess :) Have u seen klia btw?

So the other 6 gurls who made it with u are all gonna start training immediately together with u? Or sum are gonna wait?

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Fri, 30 Mar 2007 6:38 pm


No needa know how i look like la!! Not important! :)

No one can match anyone's face la. haha..

It was pure interest that i took on such jobs.
I hate the idea of being cooped up in the same office, seeing the same ppl evryday, doing the same thing.

I need adventure. I need to talk to new ppl.
It may be as simple as talking to the ppl i'm serving food to, talking to the ppl who's attending someone's wedding dinner.

At least i'm seeing new ppl, talking to different ppl. :lol:

Thats what i like.

NO WAY! It wasn't a "OH my, i'm gonna apply for SIA when i'm 18 so i must & definitely look for service-line jobs"

No way. If everyone thought that, they'll go mad!! Serious.
They'll be so stressed. Doing it for the sake of upping their chances at getting selected? :o

So far for my 2 interviews at STC, i've been walking there. :D Sometimes if i walk very slow, i'll take 20mins? :)

Its a good walk, allows me tym to keep my mind calm & composed for the interviews. :)

Dear 12345, $300-400 a month is just a room ok! It might be more.
Renting the entire apartment will cost $3k or above, depending on size.

I rmb someone telling me that STC stands for SIA Training Centre. haha. Hope its correct. It might be too long to be called SIATC. haha. :D

The other gurls who made it with me prob have their medical done alr. Some didn't do it straight after the management. They chose to do it the day after.

We're supposed to wait for a call/email from SIA. The doctors have to send a report to SIA first, telling them that we're all chronically fit for the position as a flight stewardess.

Then they'll contact us.

Think it'll take 2/3 weeks? :)

Hope it'd be soon though..

I've decided not to stay at home and do nothing. I'm now looking for a part-tym job again!!! For a month or so. :)

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