No needa know how i look like la!! Not important!
No one can match anyone's face la. haha..
It was pure interest that i took on such jobs.
I hate the idea of being cooped up in the same office, seeing the same ppl evryday, doing the same thing.
I need adventure. I need to talk to new ppl.
It may be as simple as talking to the ppl i'm serving food to, talking to the ppl who's attending someone's wedding dinner.
At least i'm seeing new ppl, talking to different ppl.
Thats what i like.
NO WAY! It wasn't a "OH my, i'm gonna apply for SIA when i'm 18 so i must & definitely look for service-line jobs"
No way. If everyone thought that, they'll go mad!! Serious.
They'll be so stressed. Doing it for the sake of upping their chances at getting selected?
So far for my 2 interviews at STC, i've been walking there.

Sometimes if i walk very slow, i'll take 20mins?
Its a good walk, allows me tym to keep my mind calm & composed for the interviews.
Dear 12345, $300-400 a month is just a room ok! It might be more.
Renting the entire apartment will cost $3k or above, depending on size.
I rmb someone telling me that STC stands for SIA Training Centre. haha. Hope its correct. It might be too long to be called SIATC. haha.
The other gurls who made it with me prob have their medical done alr. Some didn't do it straight after the management. They chose to do it the day after.
We're supposed to wait for a call/email from SIA. The doctors have to send a report to SIA first, telling them that we're all chronically fit for the position as a flight stewardess.
Then they'll contact us.
Think it'll take 2/3 weeks?
Hope it'd be soon though..
I've decided not to stay at home and do nothing. I'm now looking for a part-tym job again!!! For a month or so.