Yes, of course I know my history lesson very well. Iraqis are dying everday, especially the Kurds who are discriminated everyday God knows since when.sundaymorningstaple wrote:
I hate to be the one to say this but It seems that Iraqis were dying everyday before the US decided to topple that regime. Wasn't a solution in sight then either. It would appear then that nothing has changed. (with the exception that the killings now appear on TV and include more than just Iraqis) Wonder why I never saw the gassing of the Kurds on prime time news when that happened?
The main concern is about the future of Iraq and the future of US presence in Iraq.
The US presence does not help at all. Instead it aggravates the situation. When someone has aggravated a hornet's nest, does a person stays to fight n control the hornets or run n cover his neck?
US has started a stupid war, the best way is to leave and assist another day. Just like the British left many colonial countries to fend for themselves during the post colonial period.