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by Kurozu » Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:17 pm
I am a huge huge huge fan of Stephen Colbert
For those who wants to know why? check his video clips
http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_ ... ndex.jhtml
caution: for those who has no sense of humor will be outraged by colbert's satirical acting.
Stephen Colbert Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kurozu on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by huggybear » Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:37 pm
is his show available in singapore? i miss him dearly.
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by Kurozu » Wed, 07 Mar 2007 1:58 pm
Does singapore cable have comedy central? I saw Stewart's daily show on CNN in Japan. I was so trilled.....Ah...good old days.
I wonder if lots of Singaporeans know who Colbert is?
Has anybody seen the clip that Colbert challenge Oshawa mayor in a hockey game. That was hilarious. If Oshawa won, Colbert would wear a (oshawa) Generals jersey. If they lost, Oshawa would declare March 20, Mayor's birthday, `Stephen Colbert Day.'
The result was that Colbert won on 5-4 score. Mar 20 is officially Stephen Colbert Day.

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by huggybear » Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:54 am
no...sillypore doesn't have comedy central
personally i don't think singaporeans would understand the humor. they would probably think he is dead serious. hahahahaha.
i think it's the 2nd best show on tv in the states right now...
1. the wire
2. colbert report
3. daily show
any ideas on who i can contact to get comedy central here?
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by Kurozu » Fri, 09 Mar 2007 3:07 pm
Come on! Singaporeans,
Watch a few of the Colbert Report and you will fall into it. Better than all those lame shows you are watching from MediaCorp. Singapore Idol? get rid of that crap!
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by ZZOOzzoo » Sat, 10 Mar 2007 9:17 pm
The reason why we prefer this show to MediaCorp stuff is that it is relevant to us. Singaporeans will prefer local stuff that they deem relevant to their lives, which probably does not include Stephen Colbert's satire on American politics.
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by CEH » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 2:28 pm
You can catch the Global Edition (ie the pick of the best bits from the week's shows) of the Daily Show on CNN Singapore if you have cable TV. It is on Saturday night and repeated on Sunday night, time slot seems to vary a bit but it is usually a bit before or a bit after midnight. I first discovered The Daily Show when I was visiting friends in the states and they then started to show it on digital tv in the UK. I was very happy when I stumbled across it here, it keeps me sane, reminds me that not everybody in the world is as mad as Bush and Blair. I haven't seen the Colbert Report anywhere on Singapore tv yet though, only seen it a few times myself when I've been in the states. If you are after a fix of satirical comedy while in Singapore, you could also try the BBC radio show "The Now Show" -it's a satirical dissection of the week's news that is always very good. It helps if you know something of British politics and news but they regularly have a go at Bush and anybody else as well. You can listen on line at bbc.co.uk/radio4 There is a "listen again" feature so you can listen to it anytime in the week following broadcast.
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by huggybear » Fri, 16 Mar 2007 3:59 pm
thanks CEH!!
also check out on Itunes podcasts: NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me."
absolutely hilarious.
and colbert report is 2x funnier then the daily show. after awhile the daily show kinda becomes formulaic with the correspondants.
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by Kurozu » Wed, 21 Mar 2007 1:05 pm
huggybear wrote: NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me."
This is really funny. I like it. Thanks huggybear.
The BBC's "The Now Show" recommended by CEH is funny too, but kinda hard to understand sometimes. CEH is right on one thing, you gotta know British politics and news to get the jokes. Thankx CEH.
I would like to recommend Bill Maher. His show is pretty funny too, but just like the others, it only podcast once a week.
Da_n you guys with all these goodies,......LOL
I was listening, smiling, and laughing during work, and my employees are wondering if I had gone crazy..... LOL......Not to mention my working hours became shorter.
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by CEH » Wed, 21 Mar 2007 9:07 pm
I've just been listening to "Wait, Wait Don't tell Me" too, and I have to agree, it is very funny! I love it when they podcast these shows cos I can load up my MP3 player and keep myself entertained on long journeys.
Glad you liked "The Now Show" Kurozu -, even if you didn't get all the jokes! It doesn't help that it has a few long running in-jokes which you won't get unless you have been listening for a while. If you want more stuff to keep you smiling at work try listening to BBC Radio 7 online, it is wall to wall comedy and drama from Radio 4's archives, -it has stuff going back to 1950 something but a lot of it is still very funny. Try The News Quiz, I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue (which contains the longest running in-joke ever -been going 30 odd years and counting) and The Million Pound Radio Show, to name but a few....
Happy listening.......

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by huggybear » Thu, 22 Mar 2007 9:07 am
Thank you!
NPR has a lot of good stuff. there's also i think the story of the day...it's short...about 5 minutes usually...the one story they really want you to hear. Comedy Central also has stand up comedy video podcasts...one time they had this korean women that was hilarious. usually the video podcast is about 5 minutes...good for warming up at the gym...
also on BBC, i really love the show top gear. the hosts are really funny and they have excellent chemistry. plus they test all kinds of cars...not just super cars but also cars that cost 10,000 us or less.
Kurozu, for sports, ESPN's PTI is the best there is (podcast)
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by Kurozu » Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:34 am
Now I am really in trouble..... So many good stuff, so little time....
BBC Top Gear is really funny. I have seen it often. One of those shows that is easy to understand.
Let me summarise the shows:
1. Colbert Report
2. NPR "Wait Wait.... Don't Tell Me"
3. BBC "The Now Show"
4. BBC "Top Gear"
5. The News Quiz
6. I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue
7. The Million Pound Radio Show
8. Bill Maher
9. The Daily Show
Good Stuff...
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by CEH » Thu, 22 Mar 2007 1:38 pm
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:07 am Post subject:
also on BBC, i really love the show top gear. the hosts are really funny and they have excellent chemistry. plus they test all kinds of cars...not just super cars but also cars that cost 10,000 us or less
Top Gear is one those shows where the subject matter is irrelevant really, it's just plain funny. It wasn't always so, Top Gear has been going for years and years and used to be a half hour program about cars that only people interested in cars watched. Now half the nation watches, mostly just for the entertainment, and it is all down to the chemistry between the presenters. I don't know if it made international news but Richard Hammond was in a bad car accident during filming about 6 months ago. He ended up in hospital with head injuries and the nation was beside itself with worry until the news came out a few days later that he was going to be ok!
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by huggybear » Thu, 22 Mar 2007 8:13 pm
any other good shows C to the E to the H on BBC?
i tried watching meet the kumars but didn't find that too funny. maybe i didn't understand the current events in britain?
i also really liked the office ... that was fantastic. too bad they only did two seasons.
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by CEH » Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:16 pm
Huggybear - Nothing springs immediately to mind.... although, if you liked The Office you will like "Extras" which is another Ricky Gervais comedy. Mind you I don't think you can watch it in Singapore yet. If you are here long enough it will probably turn up on BBC Entertainment on cable tv, they seem to show programmes broadcast in the UK about 2-3 yrs previously. Of course there is "Little Britain" -which is currently on BBC Entertainment. You don't need to know british current affairs for that one, but it will probably convince you once and for all (as if you needed any more convincing) that the British are slightly cracked! But anyway, I will stop now before people start thinking that I am in the pay of the BBC or the British Council or something....
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