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Women's clothing

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Women's clothing

Post by MNsnowgirl » Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:06 pm

Can someone tell me if this is true.... Is it hard to find womens sizes in US size 12 for pants/jeans and shoe sizes in 8.5? I have read in previous notes that it is, so I have been shopping like a crazy woman and my husband seems to think that it is unnecessary. We live in Minnesota now where we 'maybe' have 2 months of warm weather so our wardrobe for cool clothing is somewhat limited. I guess that's why I've felt the need to stock up on items such as shorts, lightweight tops and sandals especially if they will be hard to find for me.

Since I'm asking for myself is it the same for men? My husband is 5 foot 11 and wears a 10.5 shoe. Will he too have a hard time finding clothes?

Thank you.

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Post by David91 » Fri, 02 Mar 2007 1:03 am

Risking indiscretion, my wife has big feet and until a few years ago, she could not get shoes that fitted her in Singapore unless she paid out relatively large sums of money to buy imported shoes in the best shops. The situation is now beginning to improve but unless and until you find your way around here, court shoes will be a challenge. My feet are two sizes bigger than my wife's and I wear open sandals all the time. Buying shoes in the heartlands is a complete non-starter for me. I am also 5'11 although shrinking with age, and find clothes without difficulty. If all else fails, we have local tailors and dressmakers who will run up whatever we want at very reasonable prices. My wife has all her pants made-to-measure when she wants something a little better than available in the local malls. So, come with a basic wardrobe and follow the Singaporeans in their love of shopping as an excuse to get to know the island better.
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hei guess what
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Post by hei guess what » Fri, 02 Mar 2007 9:08 am

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Post by lost_canuck » Fri, 02 Mar 2007 9:43 am

men's 10.5 shoe should be no problem, but clothing sizes probably will be, but he will find things, hard tho as most clothes are cut to asian sizes (narrower in the hip and chest) same thing for womens, even if you go to say Ralph here and find a 12 (they only go to 10, I asked) they are probably cut for the local market so even if you are a size 10 in the states, you'd be squeezed to get in..

That being said, size 12 should be not too hard to find, but it will be limited. I would look at ordering summer things online while you are still at home. I looked at a few shops to ship things to me here, and they are ahead in their seasons. The shops are probably still winter-esque but online it is spring!!! I wear a 85. - 9 in canada and shoes have been no problem, I can always by shoes *l* and hand bags always fit. The larger sizes will be easier to find in the centre of town (orchard) because it is tourista ville, but then you will probably pay a bit of a premium as well.

And if you are fuller figured, buy lots of bras and undies, very much a must!

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Post by germangirl » Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:52 pm

I also bought lots of shoes and clothes back in europe, but also here I find lots of things, clothes as well as shoes. I even saw shoes size 9 outside of City Centre, there might be less choice for bigger sizes, but still you can get. so don't worry about it.
Regarding men's wear i really don't know :D Sorry !!!
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