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Yoga vs Areobics

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Yoga vs Areobics

Post by starfantasy84 » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:09 am


Just started to exercise cos want to lose some weight. Don't believe in taking commerical products. And I read a lot about Yoga and Aerobics. What is the difference between them? Is that anything that certain type of person is more suitable for yoga than aerobics or the other way round?

By the way, anyone know of cheap aerobics classes held in the weekdays evening? i just started working and I don't earn much.

Thanks! :D

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Post by CHI » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:32 am

Ha, ha, see the below Forum topic to see a brief debate on what exercise is effective for weight loss!!


You should try both and see what you like, hopefully you will like both! At the end of the day an exercise regime is only efective if you stick with it, so choose something you like to do, and throwing in a few sessions of brisk walking or jogging per week, will definitely improve you results!!

Good on you for choosing not to take weight loss products, too many people these days depend on them, assuming that they even work, they only address the symptom rather than the root cause. How important is it for you to have a healthy body???????

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Post by starfantasy84 » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:57 am

Actually i want to lose weight is not primary i want to have good health, but i certainly will not sacrifice health for beauty. :D i want to lose weight because i want to fit into clothes that i like and also my mother have been nagging me that i'm fat. I stand at 66kg but i don't think I'm really that fat. but losing a bit of weight is not a lost to me. I can do with the extra weight. I used to weight 52kg 4 yrs ago, but due to inactive lifestyle and my craving for food, somehow i balloon up. Is it poosible to lose about 10 plus kg by the end of this year. I have started going gym everyday for about 30 mins.
But i want to make my weight lost more effective by going for either yoga or areobics classes. :lol:

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Post by jupiter » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:01 pm

There are some major differences between yoga and aerobics. Both can have good results in terms of fat loss, but from the yoga perspective they work in opposite ways: yoga effectively decreases stress on all the body's systems and aids the body-mind's balance enabling it to function at it's peak capacity. Aerobics is stimulating a and frenetic activity that bomards the nervous system with loud music, increasing stress and muscle tension especially in the neck and shoulders, which you will also need to counter with lots of stretching. If you enjoy this kind of activity, then by all means go for it. Another difference is that yoga is potentially much less expensive as you can practice yoga without investing in shoes and fashionable clothing (though a lot of yoga students do spend considerable sums on fashion). Yoga instruction need not be expensive, as many yoga instructors, myself included, will teach sincere students regardless of financial considerations. As far as results go, CHI is correct in pointing out that the student's motivation and ability to incorporate lifestyle changes are important. This is true of any kind of excercise program. The 5 major elements of a complete yoga regime are relaxation, excercise, breathing, diet, and meditation. If one were to begin implementing these elements with the help of a qualified instructor one will lose fat and gain muscle as well as dramatically increasing their sense of wellbeing and contentment.

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Post by CHI » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:24 pm

Recommended weight loss guideleines say you should loose no more than 1/2 to 1kg per week, in order to achieve healthy weight reduction. So it is possible to loose the weight you mentioned. More than this you could be loosing muscle tissue which will shoot yourself in the foot so to speak, as it will lower your metabolism. Great to see staying healthy is your main priority. relying on total body weight alone is not a a good habit to get into, as it just gives you an overall picture and doesn't tell you what is happening in the body as far as body composition goes, other physiological measures and other factors such as state of mind, which is equally important. It is important to get both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise as that will optimise your metabolism. Personally i prefer Yoga, perhaps because i have 2 left feet.... :wink:
Perseverance and enjoying what you do is the key.
Good luck.


Post by Guest » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 2:35 pm

okie, at my workplace, there is a gym and i'm going for a fitness test tomorow by the fitness instructor and later he will recommend the exercise regimn for me. After that then i decide on taking additional classes(either areobics / yoga) so i have to see where is the place and if i can make it in the evenning. :D
So the exercise is settle, but about my diet. I'm planning to see a nutrionist to see how to go about it. Cos i don't like to take those commerical diet as well. they look so yucky. I prefer healthy cooked food and those nutrions in the food are natural, not like those commerical diet. I saw the post about the veggies juice. But somehow, just can't bring myself to drink that. I can eat veges, but make them into juice is in my very very least fav list. :lol:
So anyone knows a good nutrionist? Better if the price are not too expansive. If better if you call can give advice, my diet now as follow:
Morning, a cup of milk tea, afternoon go to gym and after that have sandwich, cheese, ham or boiled egg. Dinner at 7 plus, i have half a bowl of rice, no deep fried food, stired fried veges with lean meat, soup.
How's that? Am i eating enough or too less or still too much?
Thanks in advance!!

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Post by starfantasy84 » Tue, 24 Aug 2004 2:38 pm

By the way, the post by the GUEST is me, i left my browser inactive too long and my session timed out. :lol:

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Post by CHI » Wed, 25 Aug 2004 12:23 am

Good start with the trainer. As for your diet, speaking to a nutritionist is a good idea. The Health Promotion Board website has some good info

General advice: ever heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?? A cup of tea really doesn't cut it. You need to eat in the morning to boost your metabolism, less food is not always better as your body will switch to starvation mode which means your body wants to hoard calories in the form of fat. Try some wholemeal toast, fruits, low fat yoghurt etc. DON'T skip any meals, you are actually better off having 5 smaller healthy meals than 3.



Post by Cliff » Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:24 am

You may like to try YMCA

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Re: Aerobics

Post by starfantasy84 » Fri, 27 Aug 2004 2:58 pm

Cliff wrote:You may like to try YMCA
For? I can exercise my at the gym at my workplace. :D

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