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SIA Interview questions

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Post by Lynv » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:17 pm

I also agree that they should have the Kebaya round before the 1 to 1.
I think this is what they are doing now.

I heard that a lot got eliminated from the Kebaya round.
This is the round I scared the most (if I can get there :lol: ) because been in too much sun during school days so my arms and hands lots of liver spots.

As for the pubbing question, at that time I was dumb folded because I didn't prepare for this question and I never like or been to one.
Haha.. how am I suppose to answer?

Plavt : After the interview I thought about this question and I agreed with you.
But for someone who don't like to pub, how can she answer this question to her advantage for the interview?
I think this question is worth to be prepared for those who don't like pubs. :D

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 1:06 pm

I think Pubbing's better than clubbing in Singapore.


They are SO SO many other ways to spend your night. :D :D

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Post by Plavt » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 4:11 pm

Lynv wrote:But for someone who don't like to pub, how can she answer this question to her advantage for the interview?
In that case you just have to explain why you don't go to pubs, the question was 'Do you go to pubs'. There are a lot of people who don't for various reasons; e.g. they don't smoke and don't like breathing in other people's cigarette smoke, sounds are to loud and can't have a conversation, don't drink, frequent other places such as cafes, swimming club, bowls clubs go hiking go-carting etc.

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Post by givemeaclue » Mon, 26 Feb 2007 9:34 pm

Intrinsic Dreamer wrote:haha..

YEAH!! *high five*

They wouldn't have wasted so much tym then..

Hi givemeaclue, Guess u're going for the upcoming recruitment drive too? :D
Yes. There's a high possibility that I'll be there. Trying my luck.

Intrinsic Dreamer

Post by Intrinsic Dreamer » Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:57 am


Seems like alot of ppl are gonna go this Sunday.


5 More Days! :D


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