Singapore Expats

Possibility of moving to Singapore

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Possibility of moving to Singapore

Post by kee78 » Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:53 pm

My husband and I have recently found out that we might have the opportunity to relocate to Singapore. My husband is currently a contract engeineer and this would be a direct hire with a min. 2 year stay. From everything I've seen and read I really would love to go! We have 3 young daughters - the oldest is 5, the middle will be 4 in June and the youngest will be 2 in April. We do not know what his salary would be and it looks like rentals are quite expensive. I would want a minimum of 4 bedrooms (the oldest 2 could share a room so I can have an office if need be).
This forum has been SO helpful!
I've read a lot of posts about clothing and shopping. So, excited that there is an Ikea - we just got one of those here in Michigan last year - love it!
I have a very small frame - 5'4" and 108 lbs, I actually have a hard time here finding clothes here that fit right so I don't think I'll have any problems in Singapore. My husband is on the smaller side too. Our girls are all tiny as well.
It sounds like it's pretty expensive to cook at home and most people eat out. Are there places that are kid friendly? I'm excited to try new things. I'm just wondering how much of a pain it will be to haul them all out for dinner every night. Oh - my in-laws will be going as well if we do - my father-in-law works for the same company and is currently in India on business (which is how this whole thing got started!)
I was looking at the SAS school as well and even though it's expensive I'm hoping to be able to send them there. We can't move until mid-September as I'm a wedding photographer and I just have too many bookings for this summer to deal with not shooting those. If my girls are going to go to school in the fall they would arrive late - will this be an issue? I heard on here somewhere that we need to register soon? The thing is is that I'm not sure how soon we'll even know that we're going. I really hope we find out more information soon - I'll be checking on this forum often! :)

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