Without knowing you personally I can't really say what you can do, but it sounds like you are totally normal for your age (I'm assuming you are in your teens so correct me if I'm wrong).
You get fed up of school and you think 'what's it all for' and stuff like that, but you should keep going and try your best because you will probably regret it if you don't. I don't want to sound like a naggy parent (even though I am

) but I messed up at school a bit, never knew what I wanted to do with myself (still don't!) and ended up not doing A levels and going to uni and all that and now I wish I'd got my act together when I had the chance.
It is difficult to try and encourage someone to do what I didn't do, and I don't want to depress you here, but your time at school is relatively short compared to the rest of your life. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but in 5 or 10 years your school days will seem like a world away.
What are your interesting lessons? You must have something you enjoy doing at school. There must be a lesson that you look forward to, be it art, music, cookery or chemistry - everyone has an interest. Try and focus on the things you enjoy and see yourself doing them later on in life.
what do you mean by motion sickness? Are you feeling dizzy or just a bit down about everything?
Do you have people you can talk to at school or home (an aunt or uncle or just an older friend?).
I'm not sure my post will help you - it will no doubt sound just like an older person lecturing you, but I'm hoping that annonymous people giving you support might make you realise that if we care enough to try and help then the people you do actually know in your life must care more. Even if you feel you can't talk to your parents, there must be a relative or a friend who you can talk to.