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Peanut/Nut allergic child-will schools keep her safe??

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Peanut/Nut allergic child-will schools keep her safe??

Post by maddiesmom » Sat, 13 Jan 2007 9:25 pm

We are looking at a possible transfer from USA to Singapore. Our biggest concern are the schools there and if they can keep her safe!! She is 8 1/2 and is in the 3rd grade here-we would be moving as soon as school lets out so she would be in the 4th grade in Singapore.

She is currently at a peanut/nut free school in US, not sure if any of the International Schools have any kids with food allergies. I have emailed a few of the schools but haven't received a response yet. We would like to find a safe school before we decide where we will live....

Any information of safe (or allergy aware) schools would be really appreciated!


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Post by Matney » Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:34 pm

I am not aware of a 'peanut free' school. Keep in mind peanut butter sandwiches are not offered in most canteens here. If the school is aware, the nurse would be made aware of the situation and you keep the teacher informed, I don't see a problem. With the age of your child, I would think that she is responsible enough to know that she needs to be aware of what goes in her mouth.
I have a diabetic child in my grade 2 class and she knows not to eat any treats given out and I ususally sms the parent to let them know of treats. I also have a few students with nut allergies and they know to do without, kind of like safer than sorry.
Good luck with your move.

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Post by maddiesmom » Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:43 am

She is very aware and educated about her allergies--but unfortunately she is also touch sensitive and smell sensitive, which means she has reactions from peanut/nut residue and also from kids eating peanut/nuts next to her. Hence, my question of peanut/nut safe schools. Most schools in our area of the US (east coast) have peanut free areas in lunch room and peanut/nut free classrooms. Hoping I can find that in Singapore.

Any more info about any allergy aware schools would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

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Post by skye » Sun, 14 Jan 2007 1:58 pm

Tanglin Trust advises parents that they have a number of children with life-threatening peanut allergies and asks all parents not to send in food in lunchboxes and snacks containing peanuts. There are nurses in all the school buildings who know who is affected and can deal with epipens and emergencies. I imagine most schools will have a similar policy but it does rely on parents to co-operate.
However you should be aware that food labelling is poor here and food containing peanuts or traces of them won't always be correctly labelled so you still have to be extremely vigilant. We have a friend who has this problem and I only give him home-made cookies and cakes when he comes to play so I can be sure he's safe.

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Post by ascq » Sun, 21 Jan 2007 9:50 am

Our daughters have allergies too, but not as sensitive as that of your daughter. Their school has peanut-free tables in the large cafeteria. Good luck. Singapore is workable, but you must be vigilant. :)

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Post by maddiesmom » Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:27 pm

Her current school in the USA has a peanut/nut free classroom and she sits at a peanut/nut free table in the cafeteria. They also took pb&j off the cafeteria menu to help cut down on the leftover residue on little hands that can cause our daughter to have a reaction. These accomodations have worked wonderfully here...hoping to get the same in Singapore.

I have contacted a few schools over there-some already have these same policies (yipeee) and some are willing to work with us. So happy! We certainly would like to come live there, and experience Singapore for a few years, but our priority is to keep our daughter safe and alive! :)

Where do your children attend if they have a peanut allergy? We are looking for a school that is used to dealing with it, and as much positive feedback we can get would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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