Thanks Aurora and 1286
wrote to UOB and they confirmed.
We are pleased to advise that with the new regulations from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), applicants can qualify for a secured credit card by maintaining a fixed deposit of at least S$10,000 with the bank. For UOB Platinum Cards, the minimum fixed deposit is $50,000. The fixed deposit will be pledge to secure your Credit Card. During this period, cardmembers cannot withdraw their fixed deposit, but will continue to earn interest on it.
If you are applying for the secured credit card by pledging your existing Fixed Deposit, you can submit the completed credit card application form to us by mail. Please indicate that it is for the secured credit card.
If you wish to place a new Fixed Deposit, please visit your nearest UOB Group branch to open the Fixed Deposit and at the same time submit the application for your preferred choice of Credit Card which includes generic cards, UOB Platinum Card, UOB VISA Gold Card, UOB Mini Card and UOB Lady's Card. No income documents are required.
Should you have any further enquiries, do email us or call our 24 hour Call Centre at 1800-22 22 121. We are pleased to serve you.
Yours sincerely
for UOB Card Centre
Caroline Cheah
Membership Services Department