Yeah Golden Mile is the place you want but as other posters declare it can be a bit lairy on a weekend especially Sunday.
Many Taxi drivers will not pick up there or Thai men in the vicinity - ask them
I took the Mrs her first Sunday in Singapore and it was funny to see it - just like a drunken wedding or party upcountry in the village. I have been to the clubs and disco's on a Saturday which were better - maybe too expensive for most Thai workers at 12 sing for a Heineken?
Among other reasons the Mrs is not coming back to Singapore and staying in Thailand - lonlieness and missing friends and family were a contributing factor but not the only one.
She contributed this herself I suppose by not making an effort but she would say she did not want Thai friends but Singaporean then never made any.
There are plenty of Thai's about and they do range from the Four Floors girls to factory workers to expat wives/gf's - just take it easy and meet who you want to