You can definitely put your child into a nursery school here from 18mths. Some require them to be toilet trained, some don't. Kinder/schools can start here from 3 years old.
My daughter 2 yrs & 2mnths has just started in a nursery/kindy that takes kids all the way up to 6 years old. There are lots of them here to choose from and they range in price. We see this nursery as a temporary childcare/nursery until she turns 3 and she will go to an
International School that takes them all the way to 18 yrs of age. The trick is to find one without school uniform at this age if you only plan to send them there for a short time as it can add to the cost.
Also, if your child plans to go to an International School from 3 or 4 yrs to commence Kinder, enrol them as soon as you can get here. The waiting lists on some schools are already filled for 2008 3 yr old intake.