expats wrote:[font=Arial] [/font] Well, I guess, its a late welcome to Singapore for you. I too have disturbing neighbours. The scream and shout all the time that I wonder if they're a little deaf or its just habits of Singaporeans to display such crass? In anycase, I've learnt here in Singapore a valuable lesson. Economic advances does not necessarily makes one the "upper class". Their lack of civility and obnoxious self centered attitudes are a deflinite glaring feature here in Singapore. As a tourist of course it appears nice, but don't stay too long. And this attitude of theirs culmulates to their poor neighbourliness. Look at the constant report of neighbour disputes on the papers! And there are thousands more of unreported ones especially on the parking spaces of a stay in the so called "better than hdb" terrace houses. My advice, live with it cos this country is not going to change in a thousands years. It if does, you can bet safely its just for the worse.
que ?briansasaki wrote:guest: after more than a decade, couldn't imagine this family still caused trouble and scolding people around in Tessarina.
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