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Neighbour dispute

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Neighbour dispute

Post by Guest » Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:30 am

I've been having problems at the condo that I'm renting.My lease will end on April 2005 but I want to move out.I can't sleep at night due to loud musics that drives up the wall and vibrates through my head.This musics will continue until the early guard thinks I'm a nuisance for calling them all the time regarding the noise.Police says it's not within their jurisdiction and management says they're helpless.I am not the only resident who has complaint.

I want to know if it's possible to terminate the lease pre-maturely and get back my deposit?I really want to move out of the apartment and live in peace.Thanks.

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Post by krewkid » Fri, 20 Aug 2004 9:53 am

External factors are not related to your lease agreement and you probably can't terminate your agreement on such basis. Best thing to do is to gather those residents who wish to complain and show up on the culprits door and reason with the person. And/or coerce a resident-owner to raise it at the management meetings to incorporate noise level policies within the condo residence and take appropriate action against the offender.

Alternatively, find out when this house sleeps (likely during the day) and blast your stereo while you're out during the day.

'turn the other cheek, my ass'


Neighbour dispute

Post by Bubbles » Sat, 21 Aug 2004 4:53 pm

Oh, I do feel so sorry for you! I had the exact same thing when I lived in Holland Road condo.....for the first two years I was there, bliss. Then new neighbours moved in underneath. It was hell, let me tell you. She worked as a hostess and went to work at eight at night and come home around three or four am.....and on went the stereo, the meal cooking, saucepans banging, shouting, laughing.......I know the girl worked unsocialble hours, but please, the rest of the world is asleep then, and I tried to be quiet in the day......for a time........
You see, I tried all the things you did, agent, management, talking to her......she was very aggressive, thought she was going to go for me or the kids.....real rough sort......and nothing worked. I have to admit to resorting to clomping around in metal high heels and opening windows with loud stereo of my three pm.....when she was sleeping. It all got very nasty.....nearly to the end I got my company involved and they sorted some thing out with the agent......not sure what...think it was finding a new tenant for our place at a reduced rate for the rest of our contract, which thankfully then was only a few months long. And we moved out. But if we'd had to have stayed for any longer I would have gone nuts......

Mind you, having said all that I then moved to a house in Oei tiong ham Park....nice and quiet....I thought.....and do you know what.......six months after we moved in......yes, that's right....the house next door was pulled down and it was hell for another year after........I nearly went crazy. Thank God I was working. But that's how it is in Singapore have to either block the noise out, or ignore it.....neither is easy, I do understand. Best of luck.


Post by Guest » Sat, 21 Aug 2004 5:10 pm

Hi Bubbles

Thanks.I'm really so frustrated!This people are educated(daughter a lawyer) but no common sense!Mom,dad and daughter are aggressive,hostile,racist and have a very colourful vocabulary.I went down to knock on their door at 5 am and dad slam the door in my face hurling abusive.Later that night the whole family came banging my door and kicked my shoe rack outside.It really frightened my 5 year old son.They left before the police came and none of my neighbours come out to help. :roll:

I can't stomp around in my apartment to retaliate as I live on the 4th floor and they on the 2nd.The people who lives underneath mine are really nice japanese couple who had been harrassed by that family.The residents on my block are wary of getting involved except for the expats...


welcome to singapore!

Post by expats » Sun, 22 Aug 2004 4:10 pm

[font=Arial] [/font] Well, I guess, its a late welcome to Singapore for you. I too have disturbing neighbours. The scream and shout all the time that I wonder if they're a little deaf or its just habits of Singaporeans to display such crass? In anycase, I've learnt here in Singapore a valuable lesson. Economic advances does not necessarily makes one the "upper class". Their lack of civility and obnoxious self centered attitudes are a deflinite glaring feature here in Singapore. As a tourist of course it appears nice, but don't stay too long. And this attitude of theirs culmulates to their poor neighbourliness. Look at the constant report of neighbour disputes on the papers! And there are thousands more of unreported ones especially on the parking spaces of a stay in the so called "better than hdb" terrace houses. My advice, live with it cos this country is not going to change in a thousands years. It if does, you can bet safely its just for the worse.


Re: welcome to singapore!

Post by Guest » Mon, 23 Aug 2004 2:16 am

expats wrote:[font=Arial] [/font] Well, I guess, its a late welcome to Singapore for you. I too have disturbing neighbours. The scream and shout all the time that I wonder if they're a little deaf or its just habits of Singaporeans to display such crass? In anycase, I've learnt here in Singapore a valuable lesson. Economic advances does not necessarily makes one the "upper class". Their lack of civility and obnoxious self centered attitudes are a deflinite glaring feature here in Singapore. As a tourist of course it appears nice, but don't stay too long. And this attitude of theirs culmulates to their poor neighbourliness. Look at the constant report of neighbour disputes on the papers! And there are thousands more of unreported ones especially on the parking spaces of a stay in the so called "better than hdb" terrace houses. My advice, live with it cos this country is not going to change in a thousands years. It if does, you can bet safely its just for the worse.

I'm a singaporean...and I'm disgusted to see my fellow singaporeans behaving with very low mentality.Guess I'd better move out. :cry:

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Neighbour dispute

Post by Bubbles » Wed, 25 Aug 2004 9:58 pm

Or alternatively............

We could all go round your place, en masse, and stand silently and menacingly outside their condo..............not doing anything against the law, just giving them dirty looks...............

Or you could buy an indoor disposable BBQ and burn old cycle tyres on it and leave the windows open and use fans to waft the smell up to them.(tell your Japanese nice neigbours you're doing this first, so they can shut theirs)

Or the forum members (again) could start a new cult which requires lots of home visits to you and lots of chanting strange sounds, and of course, all this could only be done at four a.m. (And your Japanese neigbours would be members too, of course.)

You could adopt a couple of Rotweilers which you'd have to take for walks up and down the stairs of the condo, and train them to know that the fourth floor was the doggy toilet.......hmm.........joking, know it's against the law, but heck, these animals have minds of their own you know.

You could start keeping bees............and that'd really annoy them (and everyone else I guess, including you......)....hmm......thinking, thinking.....

Take up weightlifting, get huge muscles, and parade about looking mad in a string vest when they are around.......flexing your muscles and breaking iron bars in two.......that should do the trick....!!!!!

Start a choir.........

Or a reggae band..........

Or the next Metallica that's an idea.......

Open a cat sanctuary and forget to close your front door so that the place would be over run with felines.........

Win the lottery, become really rich, buy the whole block and give all the flats to young, aspiring german yodel singers............excellent.

I know, it's not funny really, the situation, but I just thought I'd try to make you smile. I've been where you are, and I KNOW how miserable it can be.....chin up, one day the lease will end, then WE WILL ALL COME TO YOUR LEAVING PARTY AND BOY........WILL WE BE NOISY............ha ha.



Post by Guest » Sat, 28 Aug 2004 9:39 pm

LOL !Whoa I'm really tempted to follow up on your advice :D
I've decided to move out and forget about my deposit.I'd rather have
peace.Had a call from Jim Ellis(property agent)today and he says he'll get me a 2 bedroom at The Anchorage for $1600.Yay!

Btw I'm currently at The Tessarina 2 bedrooms for $1800.It's brand new unlike The Anchorage which is older,so it should be cheaper.Wish me luck!

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Post by bingo » Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:52 pm

ohhh, i wish you'd give them hell! you could rile them up and when they come up to retaliate, put their barbaric behavior on film and send it to the police. ohhh, makes me so mad to hear stories like these that are just so unfair! but anyway, best of luck with your new move. hope you get better neighbors this time around!

Scarce S'porean

Not yet a paradise afterall...

Post by Scarce S'porean » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 3:52 pm

:cry: Being a considerate S'porean; rare here by the way, I'm a victim too and I am ashame that my country have unconsiderate S'poreans all over the place. I wonder sometime if those bad character S'poreans ever realise what they do to others when they create nuisance of themselves?

The living environment here is conjested; least not comfortable. Imagine what I have to face each and everyday and everynight living in a public housing apartment. People who don't live their lives like this won't understand why people who live in public housing close their door and never interact with their neighbours, and why S'poreans don't usually greet each other in lifts or common corridor; unless both parties are of good character and neither irritate the others, the rest who still do put up a smile most possibly are hippocrites!

Good S'poreans learnt to swallow injustice thown at them in order to survive through each day of their lives, because it is next to impossible to do so much when our hands are tied; worst of all, our legs are "chopped", when policies favour bullies and the good natured S'poreans are slowly moving towards extinction.

I find too that the only way is give hell back to these bad people. But I soon realized that will turn me into one of them devil. I guess this country is still not yet a paradise afterall.

Tay San

My advcie for you all who suffer..

Post by Tay San » Sat, 11 Sep 2004 1:00 am

[font=Tahoma] [/font]

To all those who have related their bad bad experience with inconsiderate neighbours of Singapore (that is why they always sing Stand Up for Singapore, i.e. they really make you stand up)

I have been living in a penthouse (in District 9) with peace and good view of Orchard Road at night and yet not too costly for me. I think you all must know where to find good long term house to be fair to yourself after a hard and stressful day typical of Singapore life.

Do not always go those "half-cooked projects" with fantastic names - these are usually where all those who are not so succeful and yet want to prove themselves to be different who will amke their neighbours miserable.

If you want to know you can write to me. I can suggest some places for you. For me it is either Grange Residences or HDB. Otherwise I choose places like where I am happily staying now. I will never stay at places like The Waterina or some of those coming opposite Sentosa because I know what type of people will buy and stay at these projects. The same goes for the highest block in Tanjong Pagar - when it is being filled with people then it will become like a refugee centre where you cannot even move in the swimming pool during the weekend !!!!!

I live happily until now and I sympathise with those who made the wrong purchases because they were trying to catch up with the rest who want to prove they have come along way in life and are supposed to be successful now.

Good Night



Post by Guest » Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:26 am

Not everyone can afford penthouses. :roll: or know about the good places :?:

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Re: Neighbour dispute

Post by briansasaki » Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:12 am

guest: after more than a decade, couldn't imagine this family still caused trouble and scolding people around in Tessarina.

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Re: Neighbour dispute

Post by ecureilx » Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:21 am

briansasaki wrote:guest: after more than a decade, couldn't imagine this family still caused trouble and scolding people around in Tessarina.
que ?

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Max Headroom
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Re: Neighbour dispute

Post by Max Headroom » Sat, 23 Sep 2017 7:38 am


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