I have been chosen for the company for going in Singapore. Last step is sending the application form for Employment Pass. I have some doubts about it, so it's possible that some expats have had the same, and can help me. I hope so!
First of all, I will state that my work would be in the Asean Chess Accademy. Not degree (more than half passed, and then I had to leave it), but specifical skill, as Chess Teacher title by my national federation, and some added courses, enough to company, but I don't know for government. Also they want a spanish speaker with administrative experience (3 years working in a Chess Federation in Spain), and with some computer skills (some works done about that while studying, and some certifications, but not universitary title)
Company haven't told me what to ask properly, but I think I must check Yes in "If you are not eligible for an Employment Pass (P or Q Pass), do you wish to be considered for a S Pass?". I promise to read carefully the differences in Mom website :=)
In the Part II, talking about qualifications.... did you add any kind of simposiums, summer courses, ...? As they wrote "Faculty of Study" as any of the fields, can I add any non-university title?
As Membership of Societies, what am I expected to cover? As Im talking about chess, should I add my chess clubs?
Years of Working Experience: As you can think, in sports we sometimes work without contract, just as "diets", or any other way of payment. Am I in any risk if I add that experience? Of course, I have related documentation, but that doesn't appear in my legal "Work historial" in Spain. But some of them are in Councils, Schools, University, ... some credible entities.
Part V, Duties to be performed... ¿Should be filled by company? I have some info, but not everything about it.
About certification copies with "official translation".... Who can do it? Any english-speaking embassy in my country. There is an additional trouble. In my region there is a regional language, and most of official documentation is not in spanish, so Im sure that a embassy in Madrid wont do the translation... And besides, I am supposed to translate my Bachelor Title, and I think that also my chess diplomas. ¿Also my work-experience certificates?
Last, but not least, I would like to know if you can see any trouble with Pass. If company knows my curriculum, know that I have not degree but yes chess related certifications, and has choosen me and sending me the application form, surely Im supposed to be accepted by MoM, but, what do you think?
Thanks in advance, Singapore is nearer each week