better try again asappinkhunnibee wrote:How did the interview go?
Anyone knows if those who are not shortlisted for the interview can send in another application? time is running 26 yrs old this yr!
lisy6806 wrote:Hihi, a little pc of advice to share with you because my sister will be interviewing you people on JAL recruitment.
Things to prepare:-
Paint your finger nails to nude color
Tie up your hair neat; JAL is very particular on hair
Long sleeve best in office attire
Fair skin no scars on your hands
Dont behave too confident, they hate it!
And normal full length photos will do, dont go to the extreme of giving them your full make-over photos! It sure dont help!
Speak gently and demure
Black hair
ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi,
did you get in?how's the interview like?
oh i see.means u'll get to know whether u get in or not on the same day?Deer Bambi wrote:ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi,
did you get in?how's the interview like?
when i go first round interview it was with 4 interviewer, my group has got 6 people.
then after that you need to go into this room where u read a chinese passage to another interviewer.
4 will be selected and then we went for the final interview with 6 interviewer.
lastly there's a skin check.
only 20 will be selected...![]()
have u sent ur application for the october intake?![]()
i just went for my medical checkup on monday...
ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi wrote:ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi,
did you get in?how's the interview like?
oh i see.means u'll get to know whether u get in or not on the same day?
What kind of qns they usually ask?
I sent in my application alrdy, received a call from a lady but i havent graduate thus gotta wait for the next in take.
wow.. so you're in!!! congrats wor..Deer Bambi wrote:ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi wrote:
oh i see.means u'll get to know whether u get in or not on the same day?
What kind of qns they usually ask?
I sent in my application alrdy, received a call from a lady but i havent graduate thus gotta wait for the next in take.
they say they will call you on the very same day before 8pm if you are selected... they called me back at around 5+ that evening.
Hi Deer Bambi! CONGRAT!!!Deer Bambi wrote:ms dots wrote:Deer Bambi wrote:
oh i see.means u'll get to know whether u get in or not on the same day?
What kind of qns they usually ask?
I sent in my application alrdy, received a call from a lady but i havent graduate thus gotta wait for the next in take.
they say they will call you on the very same day before 8pm if you are selected... they called me back at around 5+ that evening.
haha.. thankew everyone.... but u see i have yet to got thru the medical check... afraid that they see something wrong in me then tt's it, doesnt help even u pass the interview already. *cross my fingers*yuanz wrote:Hi, may i know how often does JAL recruits? Are they very strict on skin checks?
the_airhead wrote:hi doll,chai ching wrote:hello....
no worry. wow 3.5 year of flying is actually not bad. if you are still
not yet marry. guess you wont quit yet and will continue flying?
i was hoping that one day i can get select and base in i
like emirates. its really a good airline and benefits are good too.
try for many times, and yet still doesnt get it. sigh.... yup thats great
that you got it when you are in your early 20-s. should start young and early if you really wish to fly. so when you quit. at least you have a
taste of flying experience. i start to attend interview when im 21 or 22.
have been trying for so many years that until i have 25.
sob sob.... so old already. when can i ever get to fulfill my wish and
my dreams come true? you know your husband is he also a steward
or a pilot? did you know him while you are flying or you get to know
him in Dubai? but isnt it such a waste that both of your have quit and
return back to sinhapore.
although its true that you and your husband have come back to
singapore and settle your lifes. but is that really what you all want?
any planning of what to do for your ntext future? or you will still
continue flying but not Emirtaes? you prefer to be base in singapore?
my aren't you inquisitive!however, since i opened the can of worms,i'll oblige...
if i'm not married, i will probably not quit (yet!) because i will still be living the single Dubaian crew life, whatever that is. honestly, i never knew coz i was never single when I was in Dubai but from what I observed, it is a non-stop parrrrty! bear in mind, in dubai, only 10% of the population are local Arabs-the rest are expats. and they party HARD. The rest of the local Arabs mostly reside in the other six UAE states like Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman. therefore the lifestyle is hardly a Muslim one so expect clubbing,drinks and major hangovers night after night on your days off!
you're only 25? fret not, still young, my dear. when i was flying, i recall meeting new crew at the still-young age if 31!! in fact, one of my batchgirls was 30 when we started training!
my husband is my batchmate (as i mentioned) so yes, he WAS a steward. now, he is a student pilot...another reason why we're happy to be home.we met BEFORE we joined EK and i was the one who FORCED him to appy for EK with me coz I was kinda desperate at that time as i was jobless (waiting for SQ's callback during the SARS period for newly-recruited trainees...which didn't happen for MONTHS!!). he got invited to be part of the first batch of candidates and mine was the second, which was the day after but we got through together and subsequently became batchmates (but his half of the batch was the morning class...mine was the afternoon so we HARDLY saw each other during the training period!).
at the moment, yes, being home is what we really want that's why we upped and left. perhaps when the need comes for us to relocate again, i know we would be itchy enough to go but we'll still keep coming back, regardless. and home is where our families are, even though at first when i got the job i was eager to leave everything and everybody. Now, three-plus years and many countries later, i've come to appreciate whom i left behind when i'm so far away. especially when my late father died when i was still stuck in dubai, unable to get a flight home and i didn't get to see him alive.
i guess you can say that it is all part and parcel of the job situation i took on and i should live with it but..i am only human, there's only so much i can take for a job. i do know that i was SO LUCKY to have my boyfriend/fiance/husband with me all the time when i was in dubai...i know of friends who spend money, time and tears over the boyfriends they left behind in singapore when they went to dubai. long-distance relationships are hard! and many eventually quit after one or two contracts and sometimes, just one or two YEARS, as i mentioned before, to go home to their loved ones. one of my ex-crew friends from EK, who left a few months before i did and only flew for 2 years, is now mom to a beautiful baby after returning to singapore to marry her boyfriend! yes, we all have our own reasons, our own goals, our own stories and destinies...
on a more non-emotional front, seeing our choice as such a "waste" is only subjective because you, and many people, don't know half of the realities of living in Dubai as cabin crew with accommodation responsibilities and all, as i mentioned, even with the good salary and benefits EK can offer. not many crew are married and these crew in company apartments have it really easy, trust me. AND personally, to me, pumping my good money to a greedy landlord in a country without rent-control for an overpriced apartment is a waste as well as risking your work record with silly things like tardiness just because of lousy drivers on cramped roads causing traffic jams. all that is just WASTE..especially when one works so hard....
and as good as EK is, it is still a company with a management you CAN find fault with coz NOTHING in this life is perfect but i won't go into details with that. just bear in mind that asians are still asians in EK so like in too many places in the world, white supremacy is still the way to go. AND this is also a waste to me coz us asians are hard workers with good work ethics! and it doesn't help that many people think most asians can't speak proper english.... i've had an ang-moh stewardess speak to me in slow precise sentences, like when you talk to a child, when she first met me coz she assumed i am asian so i lacked the english tongue. i just humoured her though, that one time, coz i was in a good mood.
so in conclusion, my husband IS doing what he really wants to do now so he does not regret quitting though he doesn't regret his dubai life one bit. i don't regret quitting too but i DO miss flying (and i DO miss the lovely car i had in Dubai and the fantastic retail sales that seem to happen ALL THE TIME!) and my future plans do include flying post-EK. Isn't that why this whole thing started? You know, you answering me when i asked about JAL?
so yes, i intend to try for SQ/UA/MI/TG/3K too..whatever is available nad is willing to accept me.... so we'll see how. that is, if i don't get pregnant first. hehhhehehe.
once again, i've made a whole thesis of my typical of me, i'm sorry. i hope you (and no one else) got a fit from reading so much.
take care and take flight everyone!and chai ching, good luck!
tare_90 wrote:thanks for sharing
congras Deer Bambi ..
i m new here![]()
would like to ask if i have a little scar in my hand but not veri visible , will they reject me ?
anymore other trying for the oct intake ?
Hi,tare_90 wrote:thanks for sharing
congras Deer Bambi ..
i m new here![]()
would like to ask if i have a little scar in my hand but not veri visible , will they reject me ?
anymore other trying for the oct intake ?
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