There is no Kitemark / British Standard or such like to ascertain quality.
Furthermore no manufacturer name.
Thus, I do not know what I am wearing...
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I’m pretty sure the government would not distribute ineffective masks if they do not actually help to prevent the spread of COVID. Uncomfortable and...
Just as a bit of a lark, I decided to see how long I'd be able to go without having to use the Safe Entry app or get my ID scanned. So far so good......
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One more thing to consider: It is not like using this safe entry and other stuff you actually lose any extra privacy. You just make the data...
Sg is not on the list so you have to quarantine if travelling to UK:
Mr Boris: only countries that have virus under control :
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Yes I noticed Sg was missing from the list. I guess they are looking at the total daily numbers rather than splitting out the community cases. Wasn't...