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Help evaluate a job offer

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Posts: 3
Joined: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 2:50 pm

Help evaluate a job offer

Post by tarun_n » Mon, 20 Nov 2006 3:20 pm

Hi All,

I have 4 years of experience into Embedded sytems.

I require assistance in evaluating a job offer from Singapore, offering a salary of S$ 60k/annum.

We are a family of 3: Me, my wife and an infant. At present, I earn about INR 75k/mnth in India. My wife is a nutritionist, however has been out of work due to the baby, and I dont see her working in Singapore too.

We want to target a saving of about S$ 2k/ month with a modest living in a 2 Room full furnished apptt.

Please advice, based on your experiences if this is a good salary package, considering the sort of savings that we want to target?

Thanks and Regards

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Re: Help evaluate a job offer

Post by bunty » Mon, 20 Nov 2006 3:44 pm

tarun_n wrote:Hi All,

I have 4 years of experience into Embedded sytems.

I require assistance in evaluating a job offer from Singapore, offering a salary of S$ 60k/annum.

We are a family of 3: Me, my wife and an infant. At present, I earn about INR 75k/mnth in India. My wife is a nutritionist, however has been out of work due to the baby, and I dont see her working in Singapore too.

We want to target a saving of about S$ 2k/ month with a modest living in a 2 Room full furnished apptt.

Please advice, based on your experiences if this is a good salary package, considering the sort of savings that we want to target?

Thanks and Regards
in Sg, in the last 6 months, rentals have gone up. even a decent 2 bed flat with furniture can set u back SGD 1000 minimum.

u have not mentioned which area u will be working in.
if it is city area, then housing nearby is expensive and u will have to stay in suburbs.
in such a case :
transport- SGD 150 per month ( if u stay near office and use bus/MRT-then transport can be SGD 80-100). u can add another SGD 75 for family on weekends. if u take a cab, then it can be more.
electricty/water/gas- SGD 80-100 per month
groceries and other expenses- Since there ar 3 of u, (if u are non veg or veg), - SGD 175-200 per month.

cable/phone/mobile- SGD 150 per month (max).

I dont know further about ur lifestyle etc, but weekend outings for 2 can put u back by about sgd 25 per person. (again depends on ur tastes).


Posts: 3
Joined: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 2:50 pm

Thanks for the update

Post by tarun_n » Fri, 24 Nov 2006 8:32 pm


Thnks for replying... first hand information always helps.

My office is located along the Science Park road.

What areas would be suitable for my housing? The closest possible in a budget of around 1000S$ (with furniture) would be best.

Please reply at earliest convenience so I may say Yes or No to the offer at hand.


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