Hi to all of you out there!
I was reading throught the entries made by some and I got curious about whether are there many university graduates who actually applied for air stewardess? And I have lots of questions that follow....
And usually do they go for a 18mth bond or 5yrs? (I read through the entries and saw one entry about 18mth and 5yrs bond for fight attendant- is it still so?)
As for the pay of $1.3k (or $3.5K inclusive of allowance), how are the allowance allocated? Does that mean all flight attendant will get $3.5k every mth or?
One more thing: They do not allow fringes (that cover the face till above eyebrow) is it? Because I was looking through some pictures and realise that the Flight attendants all show their forehead! No fringe at all!
It was stated in the web site that "Preference will be given to candidates who are able to speak foreign languages or are experienced in customer service." Foreign languages . . . . Does very elementary level of language count? Does having little knowledge on that language increase my chance by a lot?
Ok... One last one... (I know I hav a lot of queries). the 500 plus pages of archive is too much for me to read right now as I am very curious to know the answers to my questions! Ha ha So, the question is does SIA hold interviews every year without fail at year end? or?
Thanks for bearing with me! : )
(I understand that the interview is over but would like to know more. )