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Wisdom tooth removal

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Wisdom tooth removal

Post by aphrodite » Sat, 28 Oct 2006 7:39 pm

would like to ask if anyone has any idea whether removal of the wisdom tooth is better to be done in the hospital or just the nomal neighbourhood dental clinic.
And also what are the procedures like, do i have to make a few trips to the dental's or just one trip will do.

any advices or anyone has any particular good dentist you reccommend?


Vincent Mothballs
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Post by Vincent Mothballs » Sun, 29 Oct 2006 9:23 am

Whether or not it is a simple process or not depends on your teeth. If they are growing normally, it should be a fairly simple proceedure. Just inject some local anaesthetic, pop them out, and then some stitching to close the hole. You will need to return to get the stitches removed if they are conventional ones.

However, if the teeth are "complicated", such as growing at an angle into the neighbouring tooth, then it might take a lot more pulling/yanking and maybe cracking. Your cheek will swell up for a few days, as well.

Whichever way, it is a fairly straightforward procedure, so it should not matter much where it is done, as long as you feel comfortable. If you feel more confortable going to a "larger" place, then go. A hospital always feels more comfortable to me because you automatically assume that they are more readily equipped to deal with any eventualities, than say, a small local clinic.

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Post by kow » Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:45 pm

i had a wisdom tooth surgery because my was still embedded in the gum and it was growing at an angle so i had to remove it surgically. I had it done at one of my nearby neighbourhood dental clinics and it was done pretty welll. so i think it doesn't really matter where you do it as long as the clinic doesn't look to dodgy!

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