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Low end salary for small US company

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Low end salary for small US company

Post by one843 » Fri, 27 Oct 2006 7:52 am

What would the low end take home salary be for a manager in the manufacturing industry be.
Please keep in mind I have a wife and 2 children and my company is not as big as others like Dell, Shell oil, or Hewlet Packard.
It is getting close to renegotiation time for my contract and I want to be paid fairly.
I am American with an American company. Worked for them for 9 years now only 1 year in this position though.

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Strong Eagle
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Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 27 Oct 2006 8:21 am

Your wife and two children are irrelevant to the question. Were I to be asked to set someone's salary on the basis on family size, I'd tell them to take a hike.

You've been there 9 years and don't have a sense of what they will be willing to pay you? You're a manager and don't know what your employees make?

Do you have P&L responsibility? Have you met or exceed revenue and/or profit targets? What is your staff retention track record like?

For a small company salaries can be much more variable depending upon the value you create for the firm.

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