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Post by RimBlock » Tue, 10 Oct 2006 5:05 pm


Not sure where to put this so please bear with me.

I have recently married a wonderful Singaporean lady who has a 7 (almost 8) year old son. I am from the UK. She divorced her ex husband and had a clause written in the divorce stating that her ex would have nothing to do with her son which was signed by all (I understand that it might not be watertight under Singaporean law but that is another matter). The ex husband has had no contact with her or her son since the divorce.

Ok so moving on. As is the custom in Western society, both my wife and her son will be taking my surname (the wife taking the husbands surname is not very common in Chinese culture so we are having our own fun with that one). On contacting a couple of lawyers she has been told she needs to get approval of her ex husband before being able to change her sons surname which she is loath to do. The other suggestion has been for me to adopt which I am very happy to do.

So finally the question(s)......

Can anyone recommend somewhere I can read up on the process in Singapore (I will be moving there at the beginning of next year due to work commitments) or give a brief overview.

A suggestion of rough costs involved would be very helpful. Sure all cases are different but just a rough ballpark figure would help.

Any recommendations on reputable lawyers we may approach.

Many thanks for any help provided.


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Post by AnnaTh » Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:43 pm

Hi there

I'm afraid I have absolutely no clue about adoption in Singapore, but a little googling does wonders. This is what is says in brief over here:
Local Direct Adoption in Singapore
  • 1. Prospective adopter(s) seeks out a child through the assistance of relatives or friends.

    2. Once located, prospective adopter(s) petitions to the Family Court for adoption of the child. This can be done through a solicitor or in person.

    3. The Family Court appoints the Director of Social Welfare, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) as Guardian In Adoption(temporary legal guardian).

    4. MCYS conducts the necessary investigations and prepares the affidavit and social investigation report.

    5. The Family Court grants the Adoption Order. A new birth certificate is issued for the child.
Although obviously it would be a bit different for you as the boy's mother isn't giving him up.

Here is the more detailed Family Court of Singapore info about the process, and here is the FAQ. The British High Commission also gives you some advise about it here.

Posts: 126
Joined: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:38 am

Post by RimBlock » Thu, 12 Oct 2006 5:38 pm


Thanks for the links. I will have a good browse.

Yes, I think most of the information will not really be relevent to our case as it is just me taking legal responsibility for her son who will be living with us anyway. The father has had no contact for over 7 years (and has wanted no contact).

The other point was about lawyers. After my wife called a number of lawyer she was quoted between S$2,000 to S$5,000 and everywhere in between (these were rough starting figures and not max costs). Seems the lawyers are just plucking numbers out of the air.

Are there any reputable lawyers out there anyone can recommend ?.

It may be worth asking this in another of the sites forums so I will look around.

Many thanks

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