tarasbullba wrote:
According to Sea-Air, they need to receive an "okay to forward" from the receiver in Singapore shortly before they will load the pet on the plane. How would you manage this if you're leaving after your pet? Is this where Petmovers came in?
AFAIK, the "okay to forward" is the import license which is issued only after all the stipulations have been met. Since this includes getting flea/tick treatment and medical clearance from a federal (Canadian) vet within a few days of arrival (in SIN) it is issued pretty much right before you leave. I think I remember being told that Sea-Air needed a copy of the import license at least 24 hours before departure to confirm their reservation. So you see it's a tricky juggling act with careful timing to get everything done in the last few days before departure.
As I remember it, our pets went straight from their last vet appointment four days before departure to the federal vet, who signed off on their health, then forwarded copies of everything to the AVA who issued the import license within 24 hours, then forwarded the copy of the license to Sea Air Int'l.
I asked about your location because the federal vet closest to us was near the airport, but I'm not sure if there's another one closer to you than that. Probably not, I'm guessing.
When you email me I'll forward you my emails from Sea-Air to see what I did.
As far as the pick up from Changi, yes, I used PetMovers for this, but I am reluctant to recommend them. Perhaps another forumer could help out with another recommendation here. Failing that, if you have a direct contact at the SAQS, they may be able to offer some help there. If I remember correctly, it was about 3-4 hours after the pets arrived before they were transferred to SAQS from Changi, I think because they were waiting for their vet inspections.