Hi all. New to the forum, but it's certainly nice to see something like this exists. I LOVE Singapore and have wanted to return for a visit for many years but have never had enough vacation (I travel domestically quite a bit).
My dad's been bugging about this for a few months, but I've always been very cynnical, knowing that Singapore is very restrictive about its job market and that, for several years, the IT market there was saturated.
Anyway, I'm mainly a web developer PHP coder specializing in database-driven web applications with five years experience. I have 2 years pro experience in Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server. I also have pro experience in ColdFusion and ASP. Also have admin experience on Linux/Apache and Windows/IIS. BBA in Management but always in IT (worked in the private sector and for a non-profit, but mostly for universities).
As an added bonus, I was an expat kid in high school in Singapore for about 2 years, which is the main reason I'd like to return. I'm not married, have no kids or pets, require basically no housing or moving assistance, and would need maybe 2-4 weeks notice to leave the US.
Any hope for me? If so, what are my resources?
I also actually really like KL, but am certainly aware of Malaysia's general instability. Are the opportunities better up there?
Thanks in advance. Any advice appreciated.